Tuesday, November 9, 2010

500th Post + Contest!

OK, so it's just only my 500th post here on Blogspot. I'm sure if I included all my Myspace posts, I'd be much higher, but that's too hard to count because I don't think Myspace tells you how many blog posts you've done.

I'm so happy I made it to 500 posts!! It's been a fun journey since moving completely to Blogspot back in July 2009. I started my Myspace blog back in late June 2007 and stayed there until November 2008 when I split my blog up. Myspace was not helpful when it came to posting pictures in blogs so I used this Blogspot as a way to do my In My Mailboxes, vlogs, and various signing recaps and pictures of books out in the wild. So, when I started this blog, I titled it Book Chic- In My Mailbox and More! because it was mainly for memes and the like. Well, after I moved completely over, the name bothered me a bit but I just kept it until a few days ago when I decided to update it. Now, it's just Book Chic and I love it.

You know what else I love? My header! It was an accident too. I was at one of Maggie Stiefvater's events and had gotten there just as the signing started, so the event was kinda over when I got there, but she still had time to fill so she just sat there and signed the occasional book but mainly chatted with my roomie, her bf and myself. I got up the nerve to ask her to sign my copy of Shiver and she said she wanted to doodle in my book, so I let her have free reign. She also drew my sneakers, which I had to hold up since she couldn't see them over the table.

Anyway, the doodle was so good and I just loved it so much that I wanted to make it my new header. I mean, it's totally awesome, isn't it? It took me a few months though to scan it in and then the lovely Susan of Wastepaper Prose produced the awesome header it is today.

Also, over the course of these three and a half years, I've had the opportunity to:

- go to two awesome conferences (BEA and ALA) and am now prepping for my second BEA (reserved hotel room today!)!
- meet over 50 authors (I'm sure the number is larger, but this seems like a safe bet), a couple of them several times (like Melissa Marr, Maggie Stiefvater (who I met at her first launch party!), and Sarah Dessen)
- meet TONS of bloggers that I then get to hang out with at events. Frequent partners-in-crime include: Susan of Wastepaper Prose, Monica of Bibliophilic Book Blog, Meaghan of A Bookworm's Haven, Andrea of Aine's Realm, and Skyanne of Harmony's Book Reviews.
- meet several awesome publicists, like Elyse Marshall, Melissa Bruno, Ksenia Winnicki, Marissa DeCuir, and Laura Lutz as well as an editor or two and the actual publisher of an imprint.
- get to know some really great friends that I love to talk to about anything, not just books and blogging.
- have my blurbs appear in/on two final books (Invisible Touch by Kelly Parra and Going Bovine by Libba Bray (paperback)), an ARC (Zen and Xander Undone by Amy Kathleen Ryan) and a couple press releases.

and countless other things. It's been such an awesome ride and I never want to stop!! Aside from all those things, I'm also grateful for all the readers and followers I have (I'm up to 436!) and for all the wonderful comments you all leave on my blog. I love getting each one and it always brightens my day.

OK, I'll stop gushing about all this and just get to the contest. I'll be giving away a signed Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater (with a doodle!) and a signed As You Wish by Jackson Pearce, both paperbacks, and of course will throw in some swag too. This contest will be open to North American residents only and will end on Friday, November 19 at 11:59 PM EST. All you have to do is leave a comment on this post; if you want, you can say what you like about my blog and why you keep coming back because that would make me happy. It's not a necessity though, so don't feel obligated. Good luck to all!


  1. *hugs*
    *gives candy and balloons*


  2. Congratulations on your 500th post! And on having such a fun few years! I'm heading to BEA this year and looking forward to meeting other bloggers and authors and publicists etc! One thing I like about your blog is that it is personalized - I especially like the photos from your visits to author events. I also love your Fragment Friday posts - I'm obsessed with being read to. You also seem really sincere and honest and appreciative in your reviews, and I respect that.

  3. Congrats on hitting 500 posts! I'm jealous XD Unfortunately, I can't enter as I like in England.

  4. Yay! For 500 posts. CONGRATULATIONS!

    I love your voice in your reviews, I would always know I was reading a review by you :)

  5. Congrats on making it to 500! You've got some pretty impressive accomplishments!

  6. Congrats on reaching 500 posts!
    What keeps me reading your blog is your unique perspective and your features on GLBT lit. Your recap posts of book signings are fun, too! :)

  7. congrats on 500 posts on blogger (and however many posts altogether XD) I'm always impressed at people who can churn out an incredible amount of posts, I myself am a very slow blogger lol
    I like your blog because I find quite a few new glbt titles to try out =)
    and thanks for including Canada in your giveaway! =)

  8. Congrats on your 500th post!

    jessica b

  9. 500 posts! That's amazing! I really love how your blog feels "real". Your love of reading shines through and I really enjoy the voice of your reviews. Here's to 500 more posts! :)

  10. Congratulations

    I wrote about you in one of my entries but since it might be taken the wrong way I'm not going to post it in this comment...there also wasn't much to say

  11. kit- What do you mean? Either way, I'm hard to offend, so don't worry about it. I'd love to see what you wrote.

    Also, thanks everyone for all the congrats!!

  12. Congrats on your 500th post! That's totally awesome. I always love your reviews and interviews. You keep up with the latest books and always give me tons of great titles to read. :)

  13. I'm not commenting to enter, I'm just commenting to say happy 500th post and may there be another 500 posts full of BC awesomeness!!!!!!!

    Btw, I'm not sure it's legal for Maggie Stiefvater to be so ridiculously talented that she can write such fab books AND draw!!!!!

  14. OMG I love the story of your header! That is so awesome!

    I like your blog because you seem easy-going and fun. I like that in a reviewer.

    stephaniet117 at yahoo dot com

  15. Congrats! My fav. part of your blog (among many) is Fragment Friday's. Hope to see you again at BEA in 2011 :)

    sithereandread (at) gmail (dot) com

  16. I love coming to your blog because I love your personality. I also enjoy your honest reviews and I've learned to love some great books because of those reviews.

    And you are the best at giving away books and swag just because. :) I really appreciated that! :) HUGS!

  17. I think you have some really unique views on books!
    congrats on the big one! Well..500 is a big number.
    Jacque twinmomx5@gmail.com

  18. Congratulations on having your 500th post!!

  19. Congrats on your 500th post!!! Thanks for hosting a contest :)

  20. Congrats on your 500th post :) I keep coming back because I first found your myspace blog like 3 years ago or something, and you're the person who inspired me to start my own book blog :)

    I'd love to be entered for the contest! - taratgonzalez@gmail.com

  21. Congrats on your 500th post. Looking forward to the next 500.
