Monday, November 22, 2010

2011 Preview- Father of Lies by Ann Turner

"Fourteen year old Lidda has always known she was different. She longs to escape Salem Village and its stifling rules- to be free to live as she chooses. And when witch fever erupts, Lidda realizes that she feels and sees things that others can't, or won't. But how will she expose the truth without being hung as a witch herself?"- summary from ARC

I really enjoyed this book. The Salem Witch trials have always fascinated me and I love reading about them. It was an interesting take on the trials and one of the best narratives I've seen in a while.

If you're a fan of historical fiction or specifically the Salem Witch trials, this book is for you. It will be released February 8, 2011 as a hardcover. A full review will be posted in February.

FTC: Received ARC via Around the World Tours. Link above is an Amazon Associate link; any profit goes toward funding contests.

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