Friday, October 22, 2010

Fresh New Voice of YA Excerpt Vlog- Hold Me Closer, Necromancer

Before I start, guess what? So I read on Khy's blog that a quote from her review had been featured in the paperback of Going Bovine by Libba Bray, which is totally awesome. It got me wondering though if I had been included too- I mean, I was on the blog tour for the book. Well, I looked at the paperback while I was at the bookstore the other day and while I didn't see my blog name, I saw GuysLitWire on the back of the book. Occasionally (ok, almost all the time), I re-post a review I did here on that site when it's time for my monthly post and so I wondered if it was my review included. Well, it turns out that it was! So I've got a blurb on the back of a Libba Bray book!!! How cool is that?

Anyway, woo, Fragment Friday time again!! :)

Fragment Friday is a weekly meme hosted here on this blog where you read an excerpt from either your current read or one of your favorite books and post it on your blog to share with others! It's a fun way to learn about new books or to hear a sample from a book you're dying to read.

Today, I'll be reading from the other book I've been featuring this week- Hold Me Closer, Necromancer, which is out in stores now!

Put your link down in the Mr. Linky below!


  1. AWESOME pick! I really love this meme! Happy Friday!

  2. Oooh, I heard about this one on your blog the other day. Sounds really great, I need to get a copy! :)

  3. Oh my gosh beyond exciting about the Libba Bray mention! Nicely done on tracking it down too.

  4. Congrats on the blurb! That's so exciting. :-)

    My Fragment

  5. We are quoted in the same book? WIN!
