Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Various Links

So I had a review ready to go of Hush by Eishes Chayil (great book) and I hit Publish and then I LOST IT because Blogger is an idiot. I promptly tweeted about my anger, then went to bed. I am much too lazy right now to re-write it all, so I'll just do it tonight and the review will be up tomorrow.

In the meantime, I decided to share some links with you! :)

Brent from the Naughty Book Kitties asked me and a few other bloggers what I thought about celebrity YA novels. Check out our answers here!

I asked Meg Cabot, Michele Jaffe, and Lauren Myracle to mark up a copy of Prom Nights From Hell for the Leave a Mark Auctions and the auction is now live! Go here to start bidding! The next auction after this one is for Trance by Linda Gerber, so keep an eye out for that!

If you want more insight into bloggers and authors' minds, check out The Story Siren's series of Blogger Insight (which may be ending soon- sadness!!) and WastepaperProse's Author Insight (much longer and will continue- yay!!)

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