Sunday, September 26, 2010

In My Mailbox- Week of September 20 + Retrospective

I finally did a vlog! AND it's short! Of course, it cut me off, but I only had one book left to show, so I did pretty good.

Books Shown:

Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins (from last week; contest coming up this Wednesday!)
Blast from the Past by Meg Cabot (from a couple weeks ago)
The Mermaid's Mirror by L.K. Madigan (signed and everything!!)
Glitz by Philana Marie Boles
XVI by Julia Karr
The Locket by Stacey Jay
Falling in Love with English Boys by Melissa Jensen
Subject Seven by James A. Moore
Leverage by Joshua Cohen
Eona by Alison Goodman (sampler)
Babe in Boyland by Jody Gehrman
Five Flavors of Dumb by Antony John
Crazy by Han Nolan
Wildthorn by Jane Eagland (not shown; got cut off)

And here's my retrospective:

Monday- I reviewed the anthology Zombies vs. Unicorns Edited by Holly Black and Justine Larbalestier.

Tuesday- I posted a bunch of various links because I lost the review I had meant to post that day.

Wednesday- I reviewed Hush by Eishes Chayil, which is out in stores now.

Thursday- I reviewed The Ivy by Lauren Kunze and Rina Onur, which is out in stores now.

Friday- I posted my Fragment Friday vlog, in which I read from Boy Meets Girl by Meg Cabot.

Saturday- I reviewed The Replacement by Brenna Yovanoff, which is out in stores now.


  1. Great blog! I love book hauls. :) The Mermaid's Mirror has a gorgeous cover!

  2. Fab books this week. I'm about half way through Revolution and loving it so far. Hope you enjoy all of your books! My mailbox is here.

    Also you can link your Supernatural themed book reviews on this weeks Read My Review

  3. Oh nice, you got some great things. I wanted to let you know to check your email about Leave a Mark. Prom Nights from Hell is up!!! :)


  4. Wow, so many wonderful books. And I read Revolution too, Trillian. I loved it!
