Friday, September 17, 2010

Fragment Friday

So I had an excerpt ready to go (it was really long- 10 MINUTES! I need to re-record, lol.) and then my laptop's power cord broke and my laptop is out of battery. I ordered a new one but it won't be here for a while so I can't upload anything, which sucks. I was so excited to share a favorite book of mine with all of you that I just re-read! But you will just have to wait.

Anyway, leave your links in the Mr. Linky below.


  1. Sorry to here about your power cord! I hope that it all gets fixed soon.

    This must also be the week for long vlogs....mine is around 9 min. Eep! Ah well.

  2. Haha, my video is only 4 minutes.

    Anyway, shame about your power cord! I'll be looking foward to next week's!
