Friday, September 24, 2010

Fragment Friday- Boy Meets Girl by Meg Cabot

Fragment Friday is a weekly meme hosted here on this blog where you read an excerpt from either your current read or one of your favorite books and post it on your blog to share with others!

Here is my long video from last week, but hey, it's 10 minutes of Meg Cabot goodness! Well, ok, the first three minutes are me rambling but that's still good too. Hope you enjoy!

Put your link down in the Mr. Linky below!


  1. Well if you gush for 3 min...then your fragment is only that's not very bad at all. ;-)

    Good choice by the way. I adore Meg Cabot.

  2. How have I not read this Meg Cabot book yet? Thanks so much for sharing - now I have another book to go track down :)

  3. Thanks for hosting this super fun and easy meme.

  4. Oh, Boy Mets Girl is awesome!! =)

  5. Meg Cabot is AWESOME. She's my absolute favorite author. <3

  6. YAY I adore Meg!
    and this book too(:

  7. I read the two books (Boy Meets Girl, & The Guy Next Door) in the wrong order. However, I found both books funny, romantic and great read.
