Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Love Sucks by Melissa Francis

Love Sucks by Melissa Francis
"AJ Ashe may have gotten rid of her vampire stalker and her evil ex-teacher, but things are hardly back to normal. For one thing, she still has to maintain a strict look-but-don't-touch policy with Ryan, her hot ex-boyfriend-turned-stepbrother. For another, she has to learn to control her vampire superpowers—which means more than a few dates with Lex, mind-reading professional vampire trainer and too-sexy-for-his-own-good bad boy. And as if that's not enough, she happens to be the key to her father's plans to take over the world . . . and he'll stop at nothing to get what he wants.

All this and she's still got to plan the prom. Being a teenager is tough, but being a teenage vampire just flat out sucks!"- summary from Amazon

I was so excited to get this book in the mail because I absolutely loved Melissa's first book Bite Me, which is the prequel to this. I just love the mythology she uses and also how she makes a paranormal book filled with witches and vampires and other creatures absolutely hilarious. AJ is a wonderful character and I love being inside her head.

Another character who loves being inside her head too is the sexy British vampire Lex who comes along to help her learn more about her powers and how to control them. I loved his character and fell for him myself. But of course sexy Ryan is still around too and I loved him as well, at least in the latter half of the book when he stopped being all moody and stuff.

The search for the runes was a fun plot and all the other factors that came into play were so interesting. Francis really has a fantastic world here; I really hope we'll be able to step into it again sometime. The twist at the end was something I wasn't expecting and I'm wondering how Francis would continue the series if there is to be more or if this is it. I really hope there's more!!

Overall, a fun, humorous paranormal read with its share of dark, suspenseful moments. It does a great job of balancing the two. However, one flaw I noticed is that some of the dialogue seemed a bit stilted and unrealistic at times and that really took me out of the book.

FTC: Received final copy from publisher. Link above is an Amazon Associate link; any profit goes toward funding contests.


  1. I'm very happy you loved both books! And isn't Sexy Lexy just deeeelish? I want to continue writing the stories just so I can write him in!! :) Thanks so much for another wonderful review.

  2. Sounds great. I like the sound of Lex! I'll definitely check these out.


  3. I'm doing a book giveaway on my blog and thought you might be interested! Check it out here: http://amandarosetew.blogspot.com/ But hurry today is the last day to go in the hat!

    Great Blog!

  4. I haven't read these books (but I own them). This is the second gushing review I've seen for this book in the past week. Guess I'll be reading this series this weekend. =)
