Friday, August 6, 2010

Fragment Friday + PAYA Festival

Hey all, I have failed yet again but it's been a busy week, so no time to record a vlog. I also have a new romantic prospect. :)

Anyway, please leave your Fragment Friday links in the Mr. Linky below. I will do my best to do one next week. I really appreciate everyone taking part in this meme!!

Before I do the Mr Linky though, here's information on an awesome festival that's happening this month that I'm so excited to be attending!

PAYA: Bringing YA to PA is an organization started by blogger Harmony of Harmony Book Reviews. It's dedicated to raising money and collecting books for libraries across the state of Pennsylvania. Since its beginning in October of 2009, PAYA has raised over $1,000 and collected hundreds of books for libraries across the state of Pennsylvania.

PAYA's main fundraiser is an annual one-day festival. This year it will be held in West Chester, Pennsylvania on August 21st. It will feature over 15 authors, including Amy Brecount White, Stephanie Kuehnert, Jeri Smith-Ready, Josh Berk, Jon Skovron, Jennifer Hubbard, Shannon Delany, and more. The signing will run from 1pm-3pm. Books will be sold by Children's Book World from Haverford, PA. The festival will also feature two writing workshops, one aimed directly at teens and another at any aspiring writer. Fundraisers such as a basket raffle and used book sale will be held during the signing as well. More information about the festival can be found here (

PAYA is currently accepting monetary and book donations, both of which will be used to support Pennsylvania libraries. Librarians interested in receiving funds or books from PAYA and authors interested in attending the festival should email bringya2pa[at]yahoo[dot]com.

PAYA website
PAYA fanpage
PAYA Facebook Group
PAYA Event Page

Listen & Critique Workshop - Authors Josh Berk, Amy Brecount White, Stephanie Kuehnert, Jeri Smith-Ready, Jon Skovron, Meg Medina, and Shannon Delany will each be speaking on an aspect of writing they feel is most important. Attendees will then be split into groups of 3-5, each with an author, based on genre of writing. Each members of the group will read the first three pages of a WIP from another members and critique it as a group. The author will lead the discussion and answer any specific questions about writing by the members of the group.

This workshop will run from 10am-noon and will cost $40 for those signing up before August 7th and $45 after August 7th.

Teens on Writing Workshop - Published teens Chelsea Swiggett and Kieryn Nicolas will speak for one hour on writing as a teenager. They will cover a variety of topics. This workshop is aimed at teens 13-18 and will be from 1pm-2pm. It will cost $10 before August 7th and $15 after August 7th.

If you're interested in either workshop, please send an email to bringya2pa[at]yahoo[dot]com to receive sign up info.


  1. Hi James! Thanks for hosting Fragment Friday... it was fun!

  2. I'm so excited your going! I'm going, too, and there seems to be quite a few bloggers going! I can't wait!

  3. ooohhhhh, romantic prospect....that sound interesting :)

  4. What is this I hear about romance? I thought our bromance was all you needed in life James!!!

  5. Thanks for posting about PAYA!!

    And romance? Oooooh! ;-)

  6. Oh I can't believe I can't make PAYA although I look forward to a detailed recap post :-)

    Oh lala a summer romance, how. Nice.
