Sunday, July 4, 2010

In My Mailbox- Week of June 28 + Retrospective

Unfortunately, no books this week, which is probably for the best. I did however get some signed bookmarks and guitar picks from Tara Kelly, which I'll be putting in many packages from all the contests I held!

And here's my retrospective-

Monday- I reviewed The Line by Teri Hall.

Tuesday- I reviewed Into the Wild Nerd Yonder by Julie Halpern

Wednesday- I posted the 5th edition of Ask Book Chic!

Thursday- I posted Sincerely: Sincerely, Sophie/Sincerely, Katie by Courtney Sheinmel

Friday- I reviewed This Gorgeous Game by Donna Freitas.

Saturday- I finished up my BEA recaps with Thursday and Friday, May 27 + 28.


  1. No books! :O

    Hope next week is better! LOL.

    Brent ;)

  2. I'm kind of on a book buying ban myself (I say kind of because sometimes it's so hard to resist! haha). Hope you get some great books next week!

  3. It's so weird: On one hand, kind of sad. On another, the TBR will probably be super happy because of it. Glad to know you did some awesome posts this week, though. :)

  4. John- I know! It is always sad, but having been to both BEA and ALA, it's like "I DON'T NEED ANYMORE THANK YOU!!" So it's nice to have this breather.

    But I do still so enjoy getting mail, lol. Can't publishers just start sending me letters so I can still get a daily dose of mail but without the whole "I have no more space on my shelves, so to the floor you go" thing?

  5. I need to have any empty one next week and try to catch up :D
    Here’s mine if you wanna check it out.
