Friday, July 16, 2010

Fresh New Voice of YA- Siren Excerpt Vlog

OK, so I'm not doing the actual new Friday meme this week (or, well, it's not under the new name), but the rest of you can use the new name and put your link in the comments. Hopefully a Mr. Linky can be used in following weeks instead so it's easier to post your link.

Here's a vlog of me reading an excerpt from Siren by Tricia Rayburn, which is out in stores now!

Hope you all enjoyed it, and I hope many of you are out there recording a bit from what you're currently reading! :)


  1. Darn you James. Now I want to read that book and I did not bring it on vacation with me! I will have to wait until I get home... I am sticking my tongue out at you right now even though you can't see me doing it!


    Mine is there! I want to watch yours but the wifi is crap here in Oregon.

  3. Here's mine! I'm a day late but had no internets until today.
