Thursday, July 22, 2010

Fragment Friday- Linger by Maggie Stiefvater

In honor of Maggie Stiefvater week here on the blog, I will be reading a small (ok, not really, since it's like a 9 minute video, but whatever) excerpt from Linger! I hope you all enjoy!

(A tiny bit of info- So I didn't read the summary of Linger, lol. Cole is a completely new character not seen before, even though I say that he's in Shiver in my video. I got him confused with a different character, so please don't go looking in Shiver for a character that's not there.)

(Another tiny bit of info- Linger debuted at No. 1 on the New York Times Bestseller List this week!! How awesome is that?!)

Now, since I'm posting my vlog today (had to as blog tour post is scheduled for tomorrow), come back here on Friday to put your Fragment Friday meme links into the Mr. Linky below. Thanks all!


  1. Your also doing a maggie stiefvater week?! I'm doing something similar "Shiver lingers forever" week lol thats so awesome I sadly do not have any readers on that blog but I'm doing it anyway XD

    heres the intro

    I plan on making an archive with all 7 days in order so its easier to find

  2. Okay, so I can't listen to this as I can't turn my computer sound on. HOWEVER, I loved Linger. And I'm super stoked that it debuted as #1. How awesome.

  3. OMG IT'S THURSDAY! lol. whooops
