Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Three Year Blogoversary- Suzanne Young Guest Blog

Today, we're welcoming Suzanne Young to the party! She is the author of The Naughty List, So Many Boys, and the forthcoming A Good Boy is Hard to Find, all part of the same series. She's also got two books coming out in 2011: A Need So Beautiful (Summer) and Delinquents (Fall), which both sound absolutely amazing. You can find out more about her at her blog!


I love you. There. I said it. Being a debut author is a scary experience. It’s like the first day of middle school only the school is populated with all the people you admire in the world. And nobody knows who you are.

But see, that’s when I met James. THE NAUGHTY LIST wasn’t even out in ARC form yet, but James had gotten a copy from my editor and then of all things… he emailed to tell me he loved it. To say I cried is an understatement. I CALLED MY MOM! It was the first time a real person (because my agent, editor and friends don’t count for unbiased opinions) had read my book. And James is now forever part of my life-changing publishing experience.

Now he’s more than that. He’s a friend, an advocate, a voice in YA review that I trust. I know that I can send him something and get his honest thoughts, even if it’s just me freaking out about a new idea. I also love his blog, the way he does a thorough job with his posts (including videos) and the way he reaches out to authors—debut or not.

James, I appreciate you. Thank you for sharing the journey with me.


Suzanne Young

Thanks so much for stopping by, Suzanne! That was really sweet of you!! As a bonus, Suzanne is giving away a signed set of The Naughty List and So Many Boys! So leave a comment on this post by 11:59pm EST on June 30 if you want to be entered. US Only though! Good luck to all!


  1. That is adorable. What a great guest post!

    Oh, and please enter me for the contest! I've been wanting to read these books very badly.

    Thanks James and Suzanne for the contest!


  2. That is such a lovely post. Happy tears are always a good thing!

  3. Aww, this is such a sweet post =)

    Happy Blogoversary! Three years is quite an accomplishment!

  4. AWWWWW. :)

    I totes already have my Suzanne Young signed books, so I won't lower the odds for everyone else. But wheeee free books!

  5. Awww! Great post! :) I totally need to read these! :)

    lchardesty at yahoo dot com

  6. Aww that was such a sweet post & one you totally deserve! (I can admit I'm a bit of a lurker than a commenter, but I'm working on it.) I'd love to enter, Suzanne's series ROCKS!


  7. This is such a cute post! I still haven't gotten around to The Naughty List, but clearly I need to. Please enter me in the contest!

  8. Aw, how sweet! I loved the Naughty list and would love to be entered.

    Thank you!


  9. Well, you picked the greatest person for your 3rd blogoversary. Congrats and thank you for the giveaway!


  10. What a sweet story!

    That was really nice of you to send that e-mail.

  11. It's really cool that you can be there for authors. I loved reading this post!

  12. Aww, that was really sweet:)
    Thanks for this contest! I've been wanting to read this series for a long time:D
    Happy blogoversary!!


  13. Aww wow, that is so sweet! It got me all mushy inside, haha.

    It's so great that you became friends. I'm sure the whole loving her book part helped a lot. Lol! Great post.

    I would love to be entered in the contest as well. Thank you!


  14. these books look great - i would love to win them!

    meaghan_koci (at) yahoo (dot) com

    thanks for the mini-interview!

  15. That is really sweet of her to say, but I also know that it can be scary trying to navigate the world as a new author. I'd also love the chance to read Suzanne's books.

  16. Suzanne had great things to say, and I don't doubt her words one bit. Congrats on the three years! I am starting my seventh month and that feels crazy enough, ha.

  17. I've heard about these fun titles. They look like good reads, I'd love to read them! Thanks for the contest. Also, wow, I'll have to keep an eye on her upcoming books. It's so exciting to find out that authors have already got more works underway. :)

