Monday, June 21, 2010

Three Year Blogoversary- Lisa Schroeder Guest Blog

Lisa Schroeder, author of the verse novels I Heart You, You Haunt Me, Far From You, and Chasing Brooklyn as well as the middle-grade novel It's Raining Cupcakes, has decided to drop in for my blogiversary! She's got an awesome guest blog on how we first met and her thoughts on my reviewing. Without further ado, here's Lisa:

I met James way back when he had first started blogging, on myspace. Wow, those were the days, huh, when lots of people still hung out on myspace and it was easy to friend people without knowing much about them. I'd friend people who enjoyed YA literature, and it was a great way to make connections.

I remember reading some of James' first reviews, and what I loved was how positive he was in them. Even if he didn't like something, he put a positive bent on it somehow. I also love what I think must be his favorite thing to say - "This book was simply amazing."

When my first novel, I HEART YOU, YOU HAUNT ME came out, I really hoped James would review it because his reviews didn't scare me. I knew that no matter what he thought of the book, his review would be kind and thoughtful. And he would find good things to share even if there were things he didn't care for. It's scary having your first novel come out! Of course authors know not everyone is going to like it, but still, we don't want to be raked over the coals in a review. It can hurt!

Anyway, I scrolled through many, MANY reviews on myspace and found the one James did for I HEART YOU, YOU HAUNT ME. Let's take a trip down memory lane, shall we? Here's what he wrote, way back on January 18, 2008.

I Heart You, You Haunt Me by Lisa Schroeder
Ava's boyfriend Jackson has died, and she's at the funeral, with the knowledge that he has died. But when she returns back to her house, she begins to smell his signature scent- sandalwood, feels a shiver down her spine when she walks into various rooms, and hears and sees messages from what she supposes is Jackson. But he's dead, so he can't still be around… can he?

In this brilliant, haunting debut, Lisa Schroeder gives the reader a very well-executed balance of creepiness and sentiment. Written entirely in verse, this story follows Ava's life for a while after Jackson's funeral, and shows the emotion of losing a loved one extremely well. Quite honestly, it's a book with a premise I don't think I've found in any other YA book, and it's written with such passion. This is one amazing book from an extremely talented debut writer, and I'm sure you'll be seeing much more from her in the coming years.

Ahhh, see, I still read it and go - James, I LOVE YOU!!!

Three years is an amazingly long time to be blogging and doing book reviews. James, let me take this opportunity to tell you how much I've enjoyed reading your blog over the years, but even more, I've enjoyed getting to know you. You are just the sweetest person, and your love of YA literature shines through in everything you do on your blog. I'm so blessed to know you!!

Happy blogiversary - and many more!!!

Thanks so much for stopping by, Lisa!! I loved reading that and it brought a smile to my face. I've enjoyed getting to know you too and am so glad I've had the chance to read your wonderful books. Not only that, but I was right that we'd be seeing more of you- four books in three years! Also, I am now wondering just how many times I've called a book "simply amazing"; I should go research that...

Anyway, today's contest is for an advance copy of Virals by Kathy Reichs! To enter, leave a comment on this post with your thoughts on what Lisa wrote or what's got you excited for Virals. The contest will be open until June 30th at 11:59 PM and is for North American residents only.


  1. I love going back and reading an old review and LIsa is right I love that you always have a positive angle. Happy Blogoversary!

  2. Three years?! Wow. Great blogging!



  3. Aw, that's so sweet. You guys have known each other a long time!
    And, right on, James! I loved that book. Her first and (since I just started reading her recently) my first of hers as well!

    Thanks for the contest!
    neohippy10 hotmail

  4. Aw. I love how Lisa chose you to review her first book. :) I love when I get those comments - authors always appreciate when you write a good review that ultimately stays positive. Clearly she made a good investment!

    Also, thanks for following my blog and commenting on my post. It's really awesome, and now I'm a follower of YOU!

    All the best - Dreaming In Books

  5. I loved that she still has your review of her book, how cute!

    I'd love to be entered to win Virals!


  6. Haha, I'm not sure how much you've said "simply amazing," but you are positive and I love it.

  7. You have so many postitive and sweet relationships with authors, James. I am completely jealous.

    By the way, Lisa, I would totally seek out James' review first if my first YA book was just published. I'd agree that even if he didn't like the book, his review would still be thoughtful.


  8. 3 years is a long time to be blogging. Congratulations :) This book looks good, I love the Bones series (TV).

    crazy_canadian_chick37 at hotmail dot com

  9. Great interview. I love this blog, I think it's great to have a guy, for once. You seem like a sweetie. :) Happy Blogoversary!

