Thursday, June 24, 2010

Three Year Blogoversary- Amy Brecount White Guest Blog

Amy Brecount White is the author of Forget-Her-Nots, which came out earlier this year. We've had the pleasure of meeting a few times in person and chatting a lot online! Read on to see what Amy had to say about our encounters!

Congrats on your three-year blogoversary, James! Woo hoo! I'm so impressed by your commitment to YA books and authors. You have a great appreciation for good writing and originality. I always enjoy reading your reviews, because you have your own thoughts and you're honest.

We first met when James invited me to be the featured "Fresh New Voice of YA." I love that name -- great job, James!! -- because voice is so very important in YA novels. I felt honored to be asked to participate in this way cool feature. I had lots of fun answering the questions. (My favorite part was mentioning the Muse of gardening. I don't think there is one, but I should make one up. Maybe in a follow- up to Forget-Her-Nots ... hmmm.)

I've had the good luck to meet James in person several times. He and S. Robertson (aka WastePaperProse) came to the wonderful Virginia Festival of the Book last March. It was pretty funny, because I had an old "stupid" phone that wasn't working that well, and we were all trying to meet up. It was a comedy of texting and timing errors and missed cues for awhile, and then we finally saw each other. James is very sweet in person and lots of fun to hang out with, and I was thrilled to see him and several other bloggers in the audience for my reading and panel discussion. (Also on the panel were Jenn Hubbard, David McGinnis Gill, and Paula Chase Hyman.) It was the first warm weekend of the year after Snowpocalypse, so it was incredibly fun to hang out on the Charlottesville mall area and bask in the sunshine.

I also recently ran into James several times at BEA in NYC. Personally, I think it was very cool that so many bloggers went to BEA, and I loved meeting up with some for lunch and seeing them as we were all stalking the latest, greatest ARCS or signed books. (My triumph was an ARC of Plain Kate by Erin Bow and a signed audio version of The Red Pyramid by Rick Riordan.) However, I know that James snagged way more books than me, because he is one dedicated blogger, and I saw him almost everywhere I went. :-)

So congrats, James! I can't think of many bloggers who can boast a three-year longevity. Here's to decades ahead!! *raising a glass of Proseco*

Hugs, Amy (Brecount White)

Isn't Amy wonderful?! You're way too sweet and awesome, and I was so glad to see you so much during BEA! Now, on to the contest, I've got a signed copy of Amy's book Forget-Her-Nots! To enter, leave a comment on this post with your thoughts on what Amy said about me or what's got you excited for Forget-Her-Nots. The contest will be open until June 30th at 11:59 PM and is for North American residents only.


  1. Happy Blogoversary, Book Chic! And what a delight to read a post from Amy. I can't wait to see both of you this weekend!

  2. Loving this birthday series!

    Great post Amy and I am dying of jealousy that you got Plain Kate - it looks fantastic.

  3. Amy is great and I love this post. I love that authors are so willing and happy to interact with bloggers

  4. This is such a great post! I know Forget Her Nots is about the language of flowers and I'm curious to read it because that just sounds like such an intriguing premise.

  5. Such a lovely post. I'm glad she's so supportive!

  6. WOOT! *fudderwackens for your blogoversary* Awesome beans people! Happy blogoversary! ^^

  7. Happy Blogversary!
    I've been so excited for this book! :)
    And then you got Plain Kate!
    I so wanna read that too!

  8. Great post. Thanks for sharing. I am really looking forward to reading Amy's book.

  9. That's really great that you two have met! It's always exciting to meet an author, and in Amy's case I'm sure it's exciting to meet a reviewer who you've been in contact with for a while!

    I haven't heard of Forget Her Nots yet but now that I have I'm excited to read it!


  10. Congrats James! Wow, three years is a long time O_O

    I've only been to one signing and I was super late by then so hopefully I can meet an author several times such as you did! (though from Amy's tale it sounds like someone was doing some stalking; kidding lol.)
