Sunday, June 6, 2010

In My Mailbox- Week of May 31 + Retrospective

Not many books this week, just two-

The Line by Teri Hall (Around the World tours)
Sea by Heidi R Kling (I'm featuring her and Holly Cupala as June's Fresh New Voices of YA)

But hey, I have MORE than enough books from BEA. It's probably best I don't get too many books. Plus, I might be going to ALA later this month and they also give out books (supposedly they will have Crescendo and Fallout; maybe they will also have Elixir?).

And here's this week's retrospective, which includes two contests!:

Monday- I posted an interview with Meg Cabot and have a contest going for a copy of Runaway (ARC) along with some Insatiable swag. Contest ends June 19th.

Tuesday- The first of three BEA recaps went up on the blog. I covered the Teen Author Carnival and the day before the BEA madness started (aka Tuesday).

Thursday- I posted the 4th edition of Ask Book Chic, which also contains a contest. The winner gets to choose (almost) ANY book from my bookshelves and that includes some BEA titles. Just to let you know, I can't give away some as they've been signed to me personally and would obviously like to keep those. Contest ends June 11.

Friday- My review of Insatiable by Meg Cabot was posted. The book will be out Tuesday, June 8!


  1. Oo, where is ALA this month? Too bad I can't afford to hit that one up. I think we'd all have fun!

    I like how everyone's IMM this week is all prefaced with "does not include BEA books". ha! I ended up with only 27 at the end, but 2 of those were for other people, 2 were bought at TAC and 2 were won at TAC. I think I might have the lightest load!

  2. I just went through all my BEA books and posted were super busy! I think at BEA Bree also said that the Lost Saint might be at ALA too! I need to figure out what the best day to go is going to be, what day were you think about again?

  3. I've read SEA, I want to read Holly Cupala's book!

  4. Cat- ALA is in Washington DC, which is closer to me than NYC. Plus, family lives there.

    I already showed off all my BEA books, lol, so I don't have to do any preface. Only 27? Wow. I had 53, two of which were from The Strand. And I got an extra copy of two books (Low Red Moon + Dangerous Neighbors- both for giveaways).

    Meaghan- I'll be there on the 26th. I can't afford to take any time off work. And I'm still not sure if I'm going. And I completely forgot about The Lost Saint! Must get that one too!!! :)

    Pam- Holly's book is awesome! I hope you get a copy when it comes out!

  5. oh if you got to ALA have fun!! happy reading!

  6. No Strand books for me as I never got there - just got lost twice! Gah!

    I wish I could come to DC.. then I could also meet up with another friend blogger who lives there and is likely going to be at ALA! Hmm, wonder if I can swing this? I could show up on her doorstep and just be all "Hi! It's Cat! Remember how we met when you came to Montreal last summer? Here I am! Where's your guestroom?"

    Because I'm all polite like that, yo.

  7. Wow!! What is ALA!?
    I bet it's better I not know unless... is it in Hawaii? I would sooooo be there!!!

    Have a great week!

  8. Hey there!!=) I wanted to pass an award to you! I recently found your blog and love it!=)


  9. Cat- DO IT.

    :P hehe

    Chas- Thanks for the award! And ALA is the American Library Association and their annual conference is being held in Washington, DC. You can find out info about it at
