Saturday, June 12, 2010

Bloggiesta 2010!

So I saw that Natasha at Maw Books (who I've met!) is running Bloggiesta again this year and I'm going to be taking part in it like I did last year. I'm doing much better this year than I was last year in terms of content as I've got stuff scheduled for almost every day the rest of this month. I've also got my review schedule up for July, so I'm working on reading all those books. Be prepared for a TON of reviews in July, only to be broken up by more editions of Ask Book Chic (thanks for all the questions, everyone! Keep them coming!) and the weekly In My Mailbox, along with the Fresh New Voice of YA feature (Shadow Hills and hopefully Siren!) right in the middle of July.

Which reminds me, I just completed my first week of posting something every day (aside from the monthly FNVs). Did you all like it? I always worry that it's just too much to be posting every day, but I know of many bloggers who do it and they still get more comments than I do, so I guess it can't be that overwhelming for the blog reader. Let me know what you all thought!

But anyway, I do still have some things to do that are pretty important:

1) Put together and schedule all the Fresh New Voice of YA posts for next week.
2) Record the excerpt vlogs for Fresh New Voice of YA.
3) Update my review and interview/guest blog lists.
4) Maybe do a Review Policy? Thoughts on that?
5) Write up review for The Line by Teri Hall and Shadow Hills by Anastasia Hopcus.
6) Make a list of all my contests going on now and those that will be happening.
7) Continue to organize my mess of an inbox. I got it halfway cleaned out during a trip to my parents' place a month or so ago.
8) Post my reviews on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.
9) Update my 2010 Debut Challenge list and put in review links.
10) Nothing to do with the blog, but still something that needs to get done. Write at least 3000 words over the next two days in my new story.

So there's my list for this year's Bloggiesta! Let's see how I do. I'll keep you all posted on my twitter (link in sidebar) and will mention how it all went in Monday's post. Wish me luck!


  1. I found you though the bloggiesta feed,although I think I've heard your name through the YA blogoverse before. :)

    Good luck with your goals for bloggiesta-and with your writing goals as well. I'm your newest follower here and on Twitter.

  2. Taking a Bloggiesta break and discovering new blogs. Pretty impressive that you have posts scheduled for July! Hope you have a productive weekend!

  3. Hey, thanks for joining the Bloggiesta! It was nice to meet you at BEA and enjoy that awesome Italian food together! Good luck on your goals!

  4. WOW! This sounds amazing. It was great meeting you at BEA. You're so fun. Hope to see you again next year. BTW - Great job on the blog.

  5. Wow, that's a lot of work. Hope it went well. As to the posting every day it doesn't affect how I comment I just comment if I have something to say or particular enjoyed a review.

    BTW I'm going to ALA so I shall look out for you :)

  6. I've really been enjoying your daily posts. I haven't had a chance to check in every day, but when I get here, I scroll down until I see a post I've already read, and then read all the new ones.
