Tuesday, May 25, 2010

So um yeah...

Apparently wifi costs money, so Susan and I are sharing her computer which means that I can't write long blog posts about my travails through NYC, sooo I'll just be writing them on my computer and posting them when I get back.

But know that I'm having an awesome time meeting up with other bloggers and authors, and getting fun ARCs!! Last night at Teen Author Carnival, I got The DUFF by Kody Keplinger, Trance by Linda Gerber, and Fixing Delilah Hanniford by Sarah Ockler. YAY!!

Anyway, must be off. Later!


  1. Oh cool books! Looking forward to hearing all about it. If I haven't died of jealousy!!!!!!

  2. That stinks! I'd say hit up a Starbucks if there's one near your hotel. And really? There's like one Starbucks on each block in NYC. You can do it! :)

  3. Ooh I hope you have an awesome time! I'll be looking forward to your updates. I'm so jealous of Fixing Delilah Hanniford, I'm dying to read it!! :D

  4. I saw you on the Armchair BEA vid today, thought I'd stop by your blog and say hi! :)

  5. Hey, I found your blog! I just added you to my google reader :) I am so glad we met at BEA I had so much fun hanging out! Hope you have fun reading all your books and I will talk to you soon!

  6. Wasn't the internet cost insanely high?? I usurped Kristi's laptop a couple of times to email home and check out some stuff, but other than that I was internetless! So sad.

    Then they hit you with all those extra tax charges when you check out. Yikes!

  7. well you definitley beat my total since I got 41, I think. I'm pretty sure I saw you in a line! But it was so crazy there. Sorry I didn't get to say hi but I was stuck in my own line!
