Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Reckoning by Kelley Armstrong

The Reckoning by Kelley Armstrong
"The nail-biting climax to Kelley Armstrong's bestselling YA series. Chloe Saunders is fifteen and would love to be normal. Unfortunately, that's not going to happen. First of all, she happens to be a genetically engineered necromancer who can raise the dead without even trying. She and her equally gifted (or should that be 'cursed'?) friends are on the run from the evil corporation who created them. To top it all, Chloe is struggling with her feelings for Simon, a sweet-tempered sorcerer, and his brother Derek, a not so sweet-tempered werewolf. And she has a horrible feeling she's leaning towards the werewolf. Definitely not normal..."- summary from Kelley Armstrong's forum

So, if you read my preview post from a few weeks back, you'll know that I thought The Reckoning started out kinda slow. It took some time to get into the book and back in the storyline and even then, I was fine waiting two weeks to finish it whereas with the previous two, I found it hard to put the books down. The majority of the book seems to be all set-up for the final climax, which is one hell of a doozy. It's an action-packed scene and it had me re-reading sentences and paragraphs to make sure I was understanding everything that was going on.

The love triangle is resolved in this book and I was happy with it, but then again, I never really had a preference. Well, ok, I may have had one for myself, but I never had one picked for Chloe. Lots of other things are resolved in this book, but there's some new threads left open for the possibility of more books, though I do think the overall arc for the trilogy has been closed and so I've been satisfied as a reader. I'm not opposed to more though; I'd love to revisit these characters and read more of their adventures and hopefully there will come a time when they won't have to be so paranoid.

FTC: ARC received from publisher. Amazon link is an Associate link; any profit goes toward funding contests.


  1. I'm actually reading this right now!! And I agree with the comment about it starting out a bit slow. Great review!!

  2. Finished the book five hours after I bought it, haha. IT WAS SOOOO AMAZING! I won't give anything away, but the ending was totally un-fulfilling. I was so sad where it left off! It does start out kinda slow, but I still love it :D

  3. I've only read Armstrong's other series but I want to try this one.
