Friday, April 16, 2010

Flirting with Disaster by Rhonda Stapleton

Flirting with Disaster by Rhonda Stapleton
"Felicity is a total romantic. That's why she follows her heart—not the rules—in her job as a cupid. But when Felicity turns her matchmaking magic on her best friend, Andy, it's Andy who breaks their golden rule: friends always come first. Andy is so wrapped up in her new guy that she's ditching everyone else. How can Felicity stop her BFF from letting a BF come between them?

Meanwhile, Felicity decides to get over her crush on Derek by setting him up with someone else—but in her impulsive haste, she accidentally matches him with the whole school, and now everyone is in love with him. The entire student body is headed toward heartbreak, just weeks before prom. Does Felicity have what it takes to make everyone's heart happy?including her own?"

In this sequel to Stupid Cupid, we get more misadventures from Felicity, a newly christened Cupid. I really enjoyed this novel and thought it was a fun, quick and easy read. Stapleton writes with hilarity, which propelled me along as a reader. Wondering how Felicity would get out of her current fiascos also helped as well. I thought it was a very funny idea to have everyone fall in love with her crush Derek, and it was interesting how it actually brought the two of them together. I thought that was a nice little twist. Aside from that, I'm not sure what else to say about this novel. It's a nice break from all the serious or action-packed novels I've been reading and perfect for the upcoming summer (or even for reading during this spring). I can't wait for the final book, Pucker Up, out in May!

FTC: Received paperback from publisher. Amazon link is an Associate link; any profit goes toward funding contests.

1 comment:

  1. I read the first one and really enjoyed it...I hope to pick up this one soon, sounds like the same old fun book that the first one was! :) Great review.
