Friday, March 5, 2010

Preview Post- Raised by Wolves + The Reckoning

ETA: I meant to actually include summaries and a tiny review with these. However, I forgot about it and also, I've not been feeling well today so I'll write something up later and link back to it in my IMM post when it's done. Also, I'm still in the middle of The Reckoning so it won't be a complete reaction to it or anything. I'm only 175 pages in, as of 2:40pm Friday.

Raised by Wolves by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
"At the age of four, Bryn watched a rabid werewolf brutally murder her parents. Alone in the world, she was rescued and taken in by Callum, the alpha of his pack. Now fifteen, Bryn's been raised as a human among werewolves, adhering to pack rule (mostly). Little fazes her.

But the pack's been keeping a secret, and when Bryn goes exploring against Callum's orders, she finds Chase, a newly turned teen Were locked in a cage. Terrifying memories of the attack on her mom and dad come flooding back. Bryn needs answers, and she needs Chase to get them. Suddenly, all allegiances to the pack no longer matter. It's Bryn and Chase against the werewolf world, whatever the consequences."- summary taken from ARC

I loved this book. This is my first time reading Barnes, even though I've wanted to read her for a long time, and I was not disappointed. I loved the way she took on the werewolf world, dealing mostly with the Pack aspect and its dynamics. The book was full of twists and turns and many shocking revelations. It's a fantastic story and one that needs to be read by EVERYONE. So go pre-order it now!!!

The Reckoning by Kelley Armstrong
"The nail-biting climax to Kelley Armstrong's bestselling YA series. Chloe Saunders is fifteen and would love to be normal. Unfortunately, that's not going to happen. First of all, she happens to be a genetically engineered necromancer who can raise the dead without even trying. She and her equally gifted (or should that be 'cursed'?) friends are on the run from the evil corporation who created them. To top it all, Chloe is struggling with her feelings for Simon, a sweet-tempered sorcerer, and his brother Derek, a not so sweet-tempered werewolf. And she has a horrible feeling she's leaning towards the werewolf. Definitely not normal..."- summary from Kelley Armstrong's forum

OK, so I'm only barely halfway through this, but here are my thoughts so far. The beginning is a bit slow and it was a bit difficult to get through. But once I got through that, it got a bit better, though it's still kind of going slow and I'm on page 175 right now. It's just not AS slow as the beginning. This'll be out April 6, I think, so look for my full review then. And I'm putting it up for a tour on Harmony's 1 ARC tour blog but it hasn't been put up yet.

Hope you guys enjoyed this preview of two eagerly anticipated upcoming books!


  1. The Reckoning!! and you got a new header :D

  2. You taunt me with the Reckoning, you taunt me!
    I hope you're loving it, 'cause I can't wait for it.

    The new header is nice, I likez it :)
