Monday, February 22, 2010

Wherever Nina Lies by Lynn Weingarten

Wherever Nina Lies by Lynn Weingarten
"Nina was beautiful, wild, and adored by her younger sister, Ellie. But one day, Nina disappeared. 2 years later, everyone has given up hope that Nina will return, but Ellie knows her sister is out there. If only Ellie had a clue where to look.Then she gets one, in the form of a mysterious drawing. Determined to find Nina, Ellie takes off on a crazy, sexy cross-country road trip with the only person who believes she's got a chance - her hot, adventurous new crush. Along the way, Ellie finds a few things she wasn't planning on. Like love. Lies. And the most shocking thing of all: the truth."- summary from Amazon

I really enjoyed this book; it was an amazing, thrilling ride to read about. I loved the inclusion of Nina's various drawings throughout the book, as it really made the story pop and gave me more of a connection to the characters and plotline. All the characters were really interesting and fully fleshed out, and I loved Weingarten's writing style. This book was suspenseful, funny, mysterious, and an absolute joy to read; the road trip aspect was really cool to read about and something I rarely see in YA. The twist was something I wasn't expecting, but did make sense once you thought about it, which is how it should be. It was a difficult book to put down and I went through it very quickly. Definitely a book I recommend if you're into a suspenseful road trip story.

FTC: Received book from publicist. Amazon link is an Associate link; any profits go toward funding contests.