Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The "Don't Let Your Dream Fade Vlog" Sweepstakes!

Lisa McMann and Simon & Schuster are teaming up again to do another sweepstakes in honor of Lisa's newest Wake book, Gone, coming out next month! Read below for the details!

Are you dreaming big like Janie? Prove it!

If you're between the ages of 14-18, Lisa McMann and Simon & Schuster want to hear from you:

How are your dreams and goals like Janie’s?

Answer this question via vlog in less than two minutes and visit the contest page to learn how to enter your vlog in the “Don’t let your dreams Fade” vlog contest!

Lisa McMann will choose a winner, who will receive $1000 toward furthering his or her life goals! So please enter this contest!

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