Friday, January 22, 2010

Darklight by Lesley Livingston

Darklight by Lesley Livingston
"Much has changed since autumn, when Kelley Winslow learned she was a Faerie princess, fell in love with changeling guard Sonny Flannery, and saved the mortal realm from the ravages of the Wild Hunt. Now Kelley is stuck in New York City, rehearsing Romeo and Juliet and missing Sonny more with every stage kiss, while Sonny has been forced back to the Otherworld and into a deadly game of cat and mouse with the remaining Hunters and Queen Mabh herself.

When a terrifying encounter sends Kelley tumbling into the Otherworld, her reunion with Sonny is joyful but destined to be cut short. An ancient, hidden magick is stirring, and a dangerous new enemy is willing to risk everything to claim that power. Caught in a web of Faerie deception and shifting allegiances, Kelley and Sonny must tread carefully, for each next step could topple a kingdom . . . or tear them apart."- summary from Amazon

Darklight is a fantastic sequel to Wondrous Strange, the first title in this Faerie trilogy. It felt more action-packed and suspenseful than the previous book now that the stage has been set and everyone introduced. I still love Livingston's lyrical prose that just flows along easily and pulls me through the story quickly. Even during an action scene, the details and actions written about are very poetic and create an atmospheric feel to the story. Kelley's character is still as bold as she was before, and also just as stubborn. The romance between her and Sonny is still very sweet, but realistic as well; they have their tiffs and yet still love each other. I also really liked the interactions between all the characters, as I think we got some new insight into everyone based on their interactions with new people and created some wonderful layers to them. The ending was a shocker, though it does (unfortunately) make sense given what was revealed during the course of the novel. It also shows a little hint of the big blowout that will happen in the final book, which I so want to read right now. So I'm torn between telling you to go buy it now so you can learn all these new things, but also want to tell you to hold off so you don't suffer through the year until the final book comes out, lol. It's up to you, reader!

FTC: Recieved ARC from publisher. Amazon link is an Associate link; any profits from that go toward funding contests.

1 comment:

  1. Ok that is TWO Raves in one day for Darklight ! I am moving it up in in my TBR pile. I loved Wonderous Strange.
