Sunday, December 20, 2009

In My Mailbox- Week of December 14

I got some great books this week and am excited to show them off to you in a vlog! Hope you all enjoy!

Sooo um, I DID have a vlog however I failed to upload it before going off to take pictures in the snow. After that, we decided to take the snow off our cars. Well, I may have gotten a LITTLE too into it because my camera ended up flying out into the snow somewhere without my realizing it until later. So no vlog until I find my camera. Unfortunately, by the time I realized it was gone, it was already too dark. We searched for a bit but there's just way too much snow now. I'll probably try again tomorrow and hope that the camera isn't too messed up. I'll get the vlog up as soon as I can, IF I can. Here's a list of the books I would have mentioned in the vlog if I had been able to upload it:

ETA2: Camera has been found. It happened earlier today. It somehow skidded underneath my roommate's car so it was not covered in snow or anything. And it still works! Will upload vlog later tonight. Time to open presents with friends!

The Dark Divine by Bree Despain (thanks Sharon!)
The Temptation of the Night Jasmine by Lauren Willig
Father Knows Best by Lynda Sandoval
The Good Girl's Guide to Getting Kidnapped by Yxta Maya Murray (my 2nd ARC- may give this one away in a contest!)
Will Grayson Will Grayson by John Green and David Levithan (EEEEEE!!! SO EXCITED I HAVE A COPY!!! I can't wait to read this!!)
For Keeps by Natasha Friend
The Sky is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson
Boys, Girls, and Other Hazardous Materials by Rosalind Wiseman
Incarceron by Catherine Fisher
Magic Under Glass by Jaclyn Dolamore


  1. Still need to go out and buy The Dark Divine...

    Will Grayson, Will Grayson...I squee'd when I got it too, but it was ultimately just "meh". I'll be super interested to see your thoughts on it, though.

    Just finished The Sky is Everywhere, it was good. I liked the end the best, though.

  2. Awesome books! The Dark Divine was amazing! Happy reading. :)

  3. I really want to read the Dark Divine.
    I hope you enjoy your new books.
    Happy reading and Happy Holidays! :)

  4. Great list! Adding a bunch of those titles to my wishlist!

  5. I hope you find your camera. It looks like you got a great bunch of books this week. Enjoy!

  6. Oh no about your camera! I hope you find it ok. Magic Under Glass is one I would love to read!

  7. I hope you find your camera! I really want The Dark Devine.

    Here's what I got this week!

    Happy Holidays!
