Friday, November 13, 2009

Excerpt Vlog- The Espressologist by Kristina Springer

Hey everyone! Today's excerpt vlog is from The Espressologist by Kristina Springer. I hope you all enjoy it. Also, please go check out and comment on the other entries from this week- they deserve some love too. Tomorrow's post will be a review of Struts and Frets.

Alright, so I have a couple things of note:

1) I recieved an AMAZING ARC yesterday that made me gasp and squeal like I haven't done in a few weeks. You'll have to wait until my IMM post this week to find out what it is though. MWAHAHAHA! Hint- It comes out in March 2010.

2) I picked the people for the Gone ARC tour and am still waiting to hear back from a few people, so if you commented on that entry, check your email because I emailed EVERYONE who commented since I think there were only 16 people who signed up. More info on the tour will be emailed out this weekend- I still need to figure out the route, which is why I need people to email me back so they can confirm their state of residence.

3) YAY Weekend! :) I'm so excited that Friday is finally here. Now I just have to get through work today and then can relax and sleep in and all that good stuff this weekend.

4) Not sure if anyone else is as into Ellen Degeneres as I am, but she's on this month's issue of O Magazine and it officially came out yesterday and I went EVERYWHERE and no stores had it. WHY?! What's the point of a release date if NO ONE follows it or no one gets their shipments by the release date? It's so stupid. Anyway, what I wanted to ask was if anyone else was looking for this issue and if they had any trouble finding it. After I have my lunch today, I am going off in search of it again, though am only stopping by B&N and Kroger this time. Wish me luck!

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