Saturday, October 3, 2009

Retrospective (1)

So I've finally decided to do one! :) I figured that it's a great way to let people know what I've been up to this week and I'll give a little preview to what's coming up in the next week. Here we go:

Saturday- My weekly In My Mailbox post Unfortunately, not a vlog, though there may be one this week! :)

Monday- Going Bovine blog tour featuring a review of the book and an interview with Libba Bray

Tuesday- Discussion post on my reviews. Thanks for all the comments, everyone! Keep them coming. Also, if you left a comment, check back later today cuz I'll be replying to everyone. :)

Thursday- Duplikate by Cherry Cheva review and interview, where she talks a bit about Family Guy's season premiere next fall and I reveal the premiere date for the episode she wrote this season.

Friday- Picture Post of Diana Peterfreund's VA launch party back in September, wherein I talk about my afternoon of hanging out with Diana.

Coming up this week- Another blog tour, this time for The Waking: Dreams of the Dead by Thomas Randall, a review of Peace, Love, and Baby Ducks by Lauren Myracle, and my recap of Kathryn Williams' Richmond, VA signing a couple weeks ago.

Also I'm going to Maggie Steifvater's Ballad launch in Richmond, VA this Thursday. Is anyone else going? I'm so excited to be there!

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