Sunday, September 13, 2009

In My Mailbox- Week of September 7

I didn't get much this week, just a couple books. Here's the small list:

The Waking: Dreams of the Dead by Thomas Randall (for a blog tour sponsored by Little Willow)
Rampant by Diana Peterfreund (back from Karin and, at the time of this posting, is signed by the awesome Diana cuz I went to her VA launch- yay!)
The Amanda Project Book 1: Invisible I by Stella Lennon (I am so confused by this book. Is it a co-authored book or not? Because on the inside jacket flap and press release, there's just a bio for Melissa Kantor, but on the front of the book and spine, it says Stella Lennon. WHICH ONE IS IT?!?!!? Pick one and stick with it. Or pick two and give bios and credit to both.)


  1. Rampant, I keep hearing about it but have yet to read it...must do so soon. I love signed books, treasure the ones I have but I think that you must have kazillions.

  2. I believe Stella Lennon is a pen name. Each novel in the Amanda Project series will be written by a different author.

  3. All the Amanda books are going to be written by differnt authors, Melissa being the first, though they are still under the pen name Stella Lennon. So, I hope that helps clear up your confussion.

    Anyway, great books this week. I can't wait to see your reviews for them. :)

  4. You had a good week. I really need to read Rampant. It sounds amazing and everyone seem to like it alot.

  5. Adele- lol, I do have quite a lot. Maybe I should make a list sometime?

    towerofbooks and Lauren- Thanks for the info. To my knowledge, they say none of that on the press release. They really should cuz I honestly had no clue.

    Ravenous Reader- Rampant is amazing. Definitely read it.
