Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Fresh New Voice of YA Excerpt Vlog- Ash by Malinda Lo

Here's the excerpt vlog of me reading from Ash by Malinda Lo. Hope you all enjoy it!

ETA: As I was reading further into the book, it turns out I lied. The Huntress that is in this particular excerpt is not Kaisa but rather the one before her known as Taryn. I got confused because near the beginning of Chapter 11, Ash mentions that she saw Kaisa at Yule once, and I assumed it was this particular occasion. Either way though, it's still a fun excerpt.

Tomorrow, I'll be posting my review of Hate List by Jennifer Brown, then Ash by Malinda Lo review on Thursday, then an excerpt vlog of Hate List on Friday, and finally on Saturday, an interview with Malinda Lo! Be sure to come back for all these other great posts and comment!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Nice excerpt. I just got my copy today and can't wait to start it.
