Monday, August 24, 2009

Fresh New Voice of YA- Jackson Pearce interview

1) How did you get the idea for As You Wish?

I really don't know that I can pinpoint the exact moment I got the idea; I just knew that I realized jinn weren't being used in YA, and thought that was a shame-- they're so cool! And then I started thinking about the master/servant relationship, and how love would impact that...and there you go!

2) You've been blogging for several years now and have been writing posts and doing vlogs about every step in your publishing process. What made you decide to do this, and has it helped in letting it all sink in and seem real to you?

I've been blogging long before I got into the writing industry. It's always been an outlet, a way to write something and let others know what I'm up to. I simply continued doing it when I stepped into the professional writing world. I try to be honest and realistic on my blog-- I want people to know that selling a book doesn't suddenly make the act of writing easier, and that I still have insecurities even though I'm very happy with where I'm at. I try to make helpful (and funny) vlogs to share things I wish I'd known when I started writing-- and to help people take the whole "writer/blogger" thing a little less seriously. I never thought about blogging/vlogging making things "sink in" a little more, but I guess in a way it has!

3) What are you working on now? Can you tell us anything about it?

I'm currently finishing up SWEETLY, a retelling of Hansel and Gretal which is a companion book to SISTERS RED. It's been a tough book to write, but I'm really happy with how it turned out. After that I'm working on touching up a contemporary YA piece, and then a secret historical project.

4) What brought you to the YA genre? Have you always been a fan or are you still pretty new to it all?

I've always been a YA fan-- in fact, I don't really read adult books. YA is adventurous and exciting and brazen and adult books just don't scream "read me!" like YA does. To me, anyway.

5) What is your favorite Jelly Belly jelly bean flavor?

I like the red. Except the cinnamon-type reds. But those various berry flavored reds, those I love.

6) What book(s) are you reading now, or are about to start?

I just finished WINTERGIRLS a few days ago, and am FINALLY about to start HUNGER GAMES. I know, I know, I'm the last person on the planet who hasn't read it...*fails at life* But I'm reading it now! Hurrah!

7) Lawrence breaks up with Viola because he realized that he was gay. Has this ever happened to you? If so, did you draw on your own experience to add to Viola's? Was there a particular reason why you made that the reason for their breakup?

I actually did date a guy who ended up being gay in high school. I made Lawrence's realization of his sexuality the catalyst for their breakup because it's SO final. I mean, no matter HOW Viola dresses, acts, laughs, IS, she can never, ever be what he wants. That's pretty intense, and also a reason out of Lawrence and Viola's control! I think I drew on my own experience to create the frustration Viola feels, but I will say her relationship with Lawrence is much better/healthier than the relationship I had with my gay ex (nothing to do with him being gay-- it's just, as it turns out, he was a serious ass). :)


  1. Awesome interview =)

    I'll have to check out her blog.

    I gotta say that As You Wish is definitely one of my favorite books this year. I just reread it the other day.

  2. Ok, so I may sound horrible to say this, but I've never heard of her or her book.
    But I REALLY want to check it out now!
    And her blog! And her vlogs!
    She seems like a fun, easy going person and writer. =)

  3. If she fails at life, then so do I because I haven't read Hunger Games yet either. It's on my very long tbr list.

    Great interview. Can't wait to read As You Wish.
