Saturday, July 25, 2009

In My Mailbox- Week of July 20

So I got a ton of books this week and surprisingly talked for under 10 minutes about all of them. I got no books today, so it worked out that I did it yesterday. But yeah, I'm extremely proud of myself for being well under 10 minutes despite having a ton of books to talk about, lol. :)

Here's the video:

And here's the picture of what I got with titles underneath:

I Can't Keep My Own Secrets: Six Word Memoirs by Teens Famous and Obscure
Never Cry Werewolf by Heather Davis
Secret Society by Tom Dolby
The Hollow by Jessica Verday
Wish You Were Dead by Todd Strasser
Hush Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick (IT'S SIGNED TOO!! I didn't know that until after recording the vlog)
Rosie and Skate by Beth Ann Bauman
Duplikate by Cherry Cheva
Lovesick by Jake Coburn
Stealing Death by Janet Lee Carey
Lunch Lady and the Cyborg Substitute by Jarrett J. Krosoczka
Lunch Lady and the League of Librarians by Jarrett J. Krosoczka
The Navel of the World by PJ Hoover
The Lost Sister by Megan Kelley Hall
Pretty Dead by Francesca Lia Block


  1. Yeah, can you say jealous! I'm so excited for both The Hollow and Hush, Hush!! The covers are amazing for both of them. Have fun reading them.

  2. I just got your email :)

    I WANT The Hollow so bad. But it's out soon, so I'll try to be patient. And I'm so excited they sent you Hush, Hush!!

  3. I am so jealous!!

    I want Hush, Hush and The Hollow so bad! lol.

    the Six Word Memoir book is great. Some are so sad and others are so funny. Some reviewers - Tirzah, Khy, and Lauren(Shooting Stars), and maybe some others have their little things in their. I may in the final copy.

    Never Cry Werewolf is adorable. Definitely a quick read!

  4. Nice books! I love the cover of Hush, Hush. The lunch lady looks similar me of the teacher on the cartoon show Recess. :P

  5. you had a great week! I'm jealous of Hush Hush and Never Cry Werewolf. enjoy your books!

  6. Woah yoy got Pretty Dead and Wish You Were Dead. I'm mad jealous haha.

  7. Yay all the jealousy! :D

    Becca- Did you like my ramblings about the hot guy and the way I said your title? lol And I totally didn't know that you had signed ARCs! That's so cool. They need to do that more often.

    Harmony- I totally didn't know you guys were included! Will be on the lookout for you all whenever I read it! :)

  8. I'm not jealous of The Hollow and Hush Hush because I've them too. xP But I am jealous of Secret Society! Haha.

    James, let me know when you're done with The Hollow. Comment or email. I've something to ask you (and other people who've read Hollow)!

    Happy reading!

  9. Enjoy the awesome haul of books!

  10. OMG I am insanly jealous.

    I want the Hollow, Hush Hush and Never Cry Werewolf so bad. Enjoy them!

  11. You're so lucky! You have great books there...Hush, Hush is awesome...happy reading!

  12. LU-cky! I am so envious of Never Cry Werewolf and DupliKate! *Wants*

  13. Hey there, thanks for including my book in your vlog! I look forward to hearing your thoughts on SISTERS OF MISERY and THE LOST SISTER!! Prepare for a spooky read!

    And I'm jealous of all the other amazing books you got! Now I have a whole bunch I have to add to my own reading list.


    (actually it's pronounced Meegan, but no worries--everyone gets it wrong. I think my parents wanted to torture me.)
