Wednesday, July 22, 2009

In My Mailbox- Week of July 13 Part 2

Finally I found a place that will accept 10+ minute videos! Vimeo was recommended to me by J.A. Yang, author of Exclusively Chloe, on Twitter! Let me know how you guys like this. :)

Untitled from James Booth on Vimeo.

List of books I talk about (in order):

Diving In Deep by K.A. Mitchell
The Happy Onion by Ally Blue
Slightly Suburban by Wendy Markham
Prom Dates from Hell by Rosemary Clement-Moore
Bewitching Season by Marissa Doyle
Going Too Far by Jennifer Echols
How to Hook a Hottie by Tina Ferraro
Born to Fly by some guy
Bite Me by Melissa Francis
Into the Wild Nerd Yonder by Julie Halpern

Also, just got back from a Melissa Marr and Kelley Armstrong signing and LOVED it! Gotta finish up Claudia Gray/Elizabeth Scott recap, then RWA recap, then this recap, lol. Too many recaps!!! But this'll be my last event for a while- I don't think I'll be going to Maggie Stiefvater's launch party for Shiver, but hopefully she'll do other VA signings that I can go to (come to my area, Maggie)!


  1. Charlottesville Barnes & Noble on the 5th of December -- that's CLOSER, right?

  2. LOLZ, yes that is WAY closer, Maggie. :) Hey, and then I can get both Shiver and Ballad signed at the same time! :) YAY!

  3. Can you also do a written summary of the books you got so that I can safely find out what you got while I'm at work, as I am now? xD

  4. Steph- I wrote down the list of books mentioned, so that should help. :)

  5. Hey, James, thanks for mentioning my book--and it was great meeting you, too (twice)!

  6. You're absolutely right, James--I was almost completely deaf in there--I do have a hearing problem when there's a lot of background noise. I wish I'd realized it was you... :(

  7. Oops--also forgot to mention that RWA now indeed has a chapter for writers of GLBT romance--check out
