Saturday, July 18, 2009

In My Mailbox- Week of July 13 Part 1

Hey everyone! Here's this week's In My Mailbox vlog mainly featuring RWA books and small tales of my adventures, including two stories of how I was a certifiable loon in front of two authors. *sigh*

Books Mentioned in Vlog (in order):

Don't Judge a Girl by Her Cover by Ally Carter
Prey by Rachel Vincent
Heartbreak River by Tricia Mills
Bite Me by Melissa Francis
The Season by Sarah MacLean
Crowned by Julie Linker
Vamped by Lucienne Diver

All books were signed.

Look for Part 2 early on Tuesday, and I'm working on both the Claudia Gray/Elizabeth Scott recap and the RWA recap (with pics!) so look for those also later this week!


  1. Great books you got this week some of them look really good. Enjoy.

  2. I'm really looking forward to reading the Ally Carter one.

  3. LOL you like to ramble xD hey it's 10 minutes and 17 seconds, you somehow tricked YouTube? :P

  4. Anything by Rachel Vincet is good and Vamped was pretty good too! Enjoy

  5. What a great set of books! Happy reading.

  6. Thanks for all the comments, everyone!!

    Yan- Actually, Youtube will take videos over 10 minutes just not by much, lol. Maybe the real limit is 10mins30secs? :P

  7. I'm finally home after a very long week. It was great hanging with you last week and I'm soooo freaking over the moon that you loved BITE ME!

  8. James, thanks so much for mentioning Heartbreak River in your vlog! It was nice to meet you, and I wish I'd made the connection that you were BookChic when we were talking. It's funny that you say you felt like a loon, but I felt awkward too because it was my first RWA National book signing so I had the whole new experience thing going.

    Hope you enjoy the book.
