Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Fresh New Voice of YA- Excerpt Vlogs

So I did these late last night so not sure how well they turned out. I do know that my camera cut me off (or was it the fairies...?) on the Eyes Like Stars excerpt when I had like a page left, so below that vlog, I've posted the rest of the chapter so you can keep reading it.

Prada and Prejudice by Mandy Hubbard

Eyes Like Stars by Lisa Mantchev

Rest of excerpt (from ARC, so may not be exactly the same as final version):

"The damages were considerable," the Stage Manager continued, "and this is only the most recent in a series of destructive and negligent acts committed by a single person."

"Bertie," the Players said with one voice.

Nate shivered. Bertie had never seen a pirate covered in gooseflesh and didn't take it as a good omen. Someone must have cued the orchestra; violins began to play with dark harmonics from the brass. The melody tickled at the back of Bertie's throat, and she shuddered as the music added layer upon layer of tension to the room. The surrounding lights dimmed until the only thing that existed in their universe was the Stage Manager.

"We have done all we could to raise her since she arrived here, a foundling child with neither family nor friends." The Stage Manager put a hand to his heart, as though it pained him to say this, though his mouth quirked with ill-concealed glee. "But the time has come for a change."

The air crackled with electricity. Overhead, in the flies, someone shook the thunder sheet.

The Stage Manager's voice crawled out of the storm, like a god's pronouncement from the heavens. "It is with deepest regret that I convey this news to you all. The Theatre Manager is in his Office at this very moment, telling Beatrice Shakespeare Smith she must leave the theater."

That's all! :) Hope you guys enjoyed these and come back every day for the rest of the week for more posts featuring Mandy Hubbard and Lisa Mantchev!

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