Saturday, June 6, 2009

In My Mailbox- Week of June 1

Before I show the video, I just want to link to a few things over on Myspace for my two-year blogiversary: Amanda Ashby's guest blog (contest closed), Lisa McMann's interview and contest (ends Monday night), and Kelly Parra's guest blog, interview, and contest (ends Wednesday night)! Be sure to check all of them out and enter the contests!

In My Mailbox Vlog

Books and People Mentioned:
Melanie C
Love, Aubrey by Suzanne LaFleur
A Kiss in Time by Alex Flinn
Alexa Young (Worst Review Ever)
(Re)Cycler by Lauren McLaughlin
Tricks by Ellen Hopkins
Gray Baby by Scott Loring Sanders
Another Faust by Daniel and Dina Nayeri
(forgot to mention that I love how they did their acknowledgements- very funny :) hehe)

Decided to just take a photo of a certain section of my CDs to make seeing them easier, lol. So here's the CD photo:

Go ahead, pick a few and I'll decide which one gets played in my next vlog! :)


  1. Two mentions in two weeks! If you're not careful, I'll let it get to my head.

    PS, the blog's called Dissecting Perfection =D

    Oooh play Fallen (Evanescence) next! No, wait, play Finally Woken (Jem)! No No let's play Aqua or A*Teens! NO OMG ALANIS! I HEART ALANIS!!!

    Wait, I just noticed... you have the B*witched album!?!?! I was sure I was the only person still in ownership of her B*witched album (or to remember who B*witched was).

    Dude... we should totally host a joint blogger dance party at BEA next year.

  2. Okay. I came back. I just spotted KT Tunstall. And Anastacia. And Cascada and ChumbaWumba. Seriously, we need to do this.

  3. Tricks! I am so jealous! I can't wait for that book to be released!

    I think you should play Backstreet Boys for Khy and I since we had a nice discussion about them and other boy bands on twitter yesterday. :)

  4. You got Tricks!! Wow, Enjoy!

  5. Looks like you had a good week. You have some cool cds too. Enjoy.
