Friday, June 19, 2009

Book Review- Silver Phoenix by Cindy Pon

Check out this awesome interview that Chelsea from The Page Flipper did with me yesterday afternoon for Blog Radio!

Not only that, but I have another interview that was posted today! Over at Sarah Ockler's blog, she's been featuring bloggers on her Flip It Fridays feature, and today's my day! Go here for the interview!

Also, be sure to check out these awesome interviews and guest blogs for my blogiversary: bloggers Shooting Stars Mag/Harmony Book Reviews, Frenetic Reader/Kiss My Book, and authors Susane Colasanti/Robin Palmer!


Silver Phoenix by Cindy Pon
No one wanted Ai Ling. And deep down she is relieved—despite the dishonor she has brought upon her family—to be unbetrothed and free, not some stranger's subservient bride banished to the inner quarters. But now, something is after her. Something terrifying—a force she cannot comprehend. And as pieces of the puzzle start to fit together, Ai Ling begins to understand that her journey to the Palace of Fragrant Dreams isn't only a quest to find her beloved father but a venture with stakes larger than she could have imagined. Bravery, intelligence, the will to fight and fight hard . . . she will need all of these things. Just as she will need the new and mysterious power growing within her. She will also need help. It is Chen Yong who finds her partly submerged and barely breathing at the edge of a deep lake. There is something of unspeakable evil trying to drag her under. On a quest of his own, Chen Yong offers that help . . . and perhaps more.

Pon's debut is really good. I loved reading about Ai Ling's adventures and it was fun seeing a fantasy set in historical China (right? or am I way off? lol). She did a great job of setting the scene and really mentioning all the little details, but not so much that it was wordy or became boring. Pon has a wonderful way with words and the prose flowed so well that the book was hard to put down at times. The descriptions are fantastic and paint such a vivid picture of the surroundings and settings in each scene. I loved Ai Ling's determination and feistiness, but she also had a soft side- perfectly balanced. The romance was also really fun to read and made me a happy person. This is a great adventure that no one should miss out on- check this one out!


  1. Thanks for reading and reviewing j!

  2. Cindy- Thanks for commenting!! Btw, I mentioned Silver Phoenix in my phone interview with The Page Flipper and did a little mini-review there, lol.

  3. This sounds great! I can't stand over detailing in a novel, it feels like a long history lesson. Glad to hear that this isn't one of them!
