Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Some YA Blogosphere Links!

First off, go check out the official start of GLBT month on the myspace blog with a guest post from Jeannine Garsee as well as a review and contest for her book Say the Word.

And here's the unofficial start of it with a He Said She Said of Boy Meets Boy by David Levithan on GuysLitWire.

Find out more about GLBT month and who I've got coming by in this vlog here!

And now time for other blogs!

Check out Steph/Reviewer X's EPIC CONTEST OF AWESOME for The Chosen One by Carol Lynch Williams here!

You saw my bookshelves a while back and now you can see Kristi's (aka The Story Siren) bookshelves in an awesome vlog she posted today! Not only that, but she also posted a really interesting discussion today as well about the author/blogger relationship. I'm going to be commenting on it later tonight (maybe- if not tonight, definitely within the next day or so), and I hope you all will join in on the discussion!

And that's all I have for you guys right now. Tomorrow, I've got my Seven Book Babes post which I'll post on here with an addendum (my camera lost battery power and turned off when I was almost done so I have to post a tiny bit after the vlog explaining what I would've said after it cut me off.), but you can view the video tonight on the SBB Youtube page here: http://www.youtube.com/user/sevenbookbabes

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