Monday, May 4, 2009

A Little Update

I decided to do this post because I realized that I haven't been doing much actual blogging here lately, as it's mostly been vlogging instead. I also noticed that I have had three vlogging posts in a row and tomorrow, the excerpt vlogs will be up. So I felt I needed to break up the vlogs with actual words! So here's some updates on me, my blog, and whatever comes to mind really:

1) I love Red Lobster. I went there today to meet a friend for lunch and it was FABULOUS. I hadn't been there in a while, so I was so excited to go ever since we made the plans to meet there like last Thursday, lol. I got the Cajun Chicken Pasta (like usual- yes, I go to a seafood restaurant and get chicken, lol) and it was so good. I also enjoyed catching up with my friend Joe who I hadn't seen in a long time.

2) BEDA fell through in the last week and a half. I realized that I just couldn't keep up and plus, hardly anyone was commenting on my posts, so there wasn't really any motivation there. I had hoped to do a vlog in which I read an excerpt from Suite Scarlett the day before its paperback release (April 30) so that I could be featured on the Ning, but never got a response back from Maureen about it. So that didn't happen. Plus, I ended up being too busy as I started work that week, which brings me to...

3) Yes, I have a job! How awesome is that? It's with the same company I worked for back in Dec. and Jan. and it's the same job (data entry). I work first shift now (7am-3pm) and I've been through one week of it so far. I actually have today and tomorrow off (hence the lunch meetup) due to the fact that the people in Boston that are scanning the documents for us to do data entry on are being slow, and so we keep running out of assignments to do. So our boss called the project manager and the advice given was that he would give us Monday and Tuesday off and then hopefully by Wednesday, there would be enough there to keep us busy and therefore would keep us from running out of assignments until the project is completed.

The other good thing here is that I've been brought on at the beginning of the project rather than toward the end. The previous project lasted about 5 months, so hopefully this will last that long, or maybe longer. But as long as I can make it to July 1, when the hiring freezes at some places (like the local library and my old college) will be over, it'll be all good. And then I can get interviews at those places and then hopefully a permanent job there. I really hope I can work in the library; I love volunteering there and would love to work there full-time. I heard that some of their shelvers and pages are leaving, so there should be some spots open soon then. And everyone seems to like me there, so that should give me a leg up. But we will see.

4) I am reading Boy Meets Boy by David Levithan right now in preparation for the He Said She Said discussion on GuysLitWire this Thursday that Little Willow and I will be doing. I am also reading Shrinking Violet by Danielle Joseph, who is one of the two featured books and authors being spotlighted this week on my blog. The other is Willow by Julia Hoban.

5) Last night, I did several vlogs in which I finally answered the questions left in comments on the last Ask Book Chic Edition done back in November. It was quite fun, and the first of them should be coming up maybe the middle of next week? And I'll prolly ask for more questions when each one is posted, so start thinking of new ones now! :)

And that's all I've got. Other than I've been watching a lot of House lately. In fact, I am watching an episode now. And now it's snacktime. Yay for popcorn!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for a job!! I hope it does turn into something permanent, although working in a library would be SO great!
