Saturday, May 9, 2009

In My Mailbox- Week of May 4th Part 1

Unfortunately, Julia Hoban had an emergency come up and couldn't send me her guest blog, so we don't get to see it today. But she has agreed to give me one for my two-year blogiversary in June, so keep an eye out for it then. :)

But this all works out anyway cuz I got a TON of books this week and so had to do my vlog in TWO parts. Been a while since I've had to do that, huh? Here's the first part, in which I make funny faces and pet a cover!:

Books talked about in this vlog:

The Greatest Power by Wendelin van Draanen
The Coffin Club and Royal Blood by Ellen Schreiber
My Name is Jason. Mine Too.: Our Story, Our Way by Jason Reynolds and Jason Griffin
Lovestruck Summer by Melissa Walker
How It Ends by Laura Weiss
Ash by Malinda Lo
Bad Apple by Laura Ruby
How to Buy A Love of Reading by Tanya Egan Gibson
Summer Boys by Hailey Abbott

Hope you enjoyed the first part and the second part will be up tomorrow! :)


  1. hehe! I loved that one book about Jasons, I might have to look it up to see what it's about. And I totally know what you mean about the Ash cover texture, just by the sound it made! I have a few paperbacks like that, it's sort of bumpy/gritty but soft right?

  2. Oooh....Lovestruck Summer! I can't wait to buy a copy. Congrats, Melissa!

  3. I don't think you have to read Summer Boys to read Flirting With Boys. On it doesn't list it as a part of the Summer Boys series or any series for that matter. I was confused about that too!

  4. I agree with the you on the new covers for Vampire Kisses there amazing and they get your attention more

  5. 'Bad Apple' looks good!! I can't find any synopsis about it. Do you know where I can read one?

  6. Oh you have some great books this week. I am totally jealous of you having ASH!!! I so want that.

  7. What a great week for you! =) I really want to read Lovestruck Summer. Happy reading!!

  8. Great week you had, looks like you got a lot of great books, enjoy.

  9. holy canoly! so book jealous! happy reading!

  10. Alea- Well, not really bumpy but yeah, gritty. It's fun. And if the Jasons book intrigues you, let me know. I can send it to you sometime.

    Bookworm- I know! I'm so excited to read it. :)

    Callie- Thanks so much for letting me know! She needs to stop having the word "Boys" in her titles, lol. It just confuses her readers.

    beloved411- Thanks for commenting and glad you agree! :)

    Letter Garden- I unfortunately can't find a summary. If you email me, I could prolly write up the summary and send it to you.

    Ravenous Reader- I know, I'm so excited to have Ash! Keep an eye out for the contest coming up this month for that extra copy!

    Kate and Rebecca- Thanks so much for commenting!!

  11. as always i love the vlog and you always get so many great books. I actually got Lovestruck Summer too and can't wait to read it.
