Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Seven Book Babes Vlog- Rambling about Bloggers Edition!

This is the video in which I feel like I'm talking very similar to the way Sarah Palin did in her Katie Couric interview, specifically with the bailout question (parody on SNL found here with basically the exact same dialogue), i.e. being nonsensical and not having any sort of point. It's a rambling mess, so take from it what you will. And you may want to use headphones for this. I wasn't talking as loudly as you usually am, for some odd reason. It gets better as the vlog goes on as I probably realize that I'm not talking loudly enough.

So there you go. My stream-of-consciousness ramblings on blogging. Isn't it fantastic? This is why I need to practice more and like make an outline on what I want to say, lol.

Coming up next week is another Fresh New Voice of YA week featuring Shrinking Violet by Danielle Joseph and Willow by Julia Hoban, so keep an eye out for all the blog entries that will be posted!

And I may start posting some reviews here this month since I'll be doing a GLBT month on the myspace blog and that will take up pretty much all my blogging days for the rest of May. So I may post non-GLBT themed reviews here during that time so those authors don't feel slighted.

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