2) I got back from the signing a little over an hour ago and it was really fun. They did the signing part first- tons of people showed up and then his Talk/QnA. But since it took so long for that part to start (the event started at 7, the Talk started at 8:15), my friend Liz and I didn't stay too long. But he's doing another event here tomorrow so I may stop by for a bit and listen to him speak for a bit longer before heading home. I did get a couple pictures from the event. Here they are:
This is a picture of me burping with a murderous look in my eyes while we waited in line. I was not expecting this photo to be taken, though I had given my friend Liz free reign to take some practice shots. She also attempted to take one of just my eye, but it didn't turn out well so we deleted it.
This is a shot of Kevin Roose (the author) before we got up to his table. I think we were just a few people away from meeting him and my friend took a photo of him, lol. And now, we have...
the picture of me with Kevin Roose! This is one of my better pictures with an author, given that I don't look too horrible, but my one problem with that is that I'm not smiling enough and look like I don't want to be there. But of course maybe I was just too worried about keeping myself from falling over since I was squatting next to Kevin so I couldn't focus too much on the picture being taken.
Ah well.
I handled myself pretty well. I said some funny things, which is a step up from being mute like I was at the Ann Brashares signing. He asked us if we were Liberty students and we explained that we weren't, by which I mean I said we were Lynchburg College students. I didn't explain that I'd graduated and all that. Too complicated. He has a long line and like 1 minute with us- there's no need for all that.
3) As I said above, I'm going home tomorrow. I'm heading home for Easter. Will be leaving late tomorrow morning and then coming back Monday morning- should be a fun time. I got the 3 Willows by Ann Brashares audio book from the library so that'll be fun to listen to on the way there and the way back. I'll probably bring a music CD or two to break up the book a bit.
4) I got a call about this job here in Lynchburg from Spherion- they're a temp agency of sorts though they mainly try and get you in a career rather than a string of temp jobs. It's a clerk position for some company (I don't think the lady I chatted with ever told me who specifically I'd be working for) here in Lynchburg and it pays $10/hr. I had to do a couple online tests, which I did well on according to the lady from Spherion I talked to. Now it's just waiting to hear what the company says. I really hope I get an interview or, hey, even the job itself without an interview, though that's not as likely. Wish me luck!
5) I went to the LC Career Center this past Tuesday for an appointment I had. I met with Beverly Reid and she went over my resume, which looks better than it did when I went to her around this time last year. She said I should make a few slight changes that should help and she also showed me a couple sites to look at. She also told me that they could stage a mock interview for whenever I had an interview set up for somewhere, so that I could be prepared for it. It was a nice meeting. I then walked Becca to class, and hung out with Liz and Keavonnda for a bit. It was a fun day. :)
That's all for this week!
Yay for a fun author signing!!! That's awesome.
It is HARD to take pictures of your eyes. Either you blind yourself with the flash (hush, my room isn't lit that brightly) or you end up with some REALLY close pictures of your nose. Lol