Saturday, April 4, 2009

Friday Five (from LJ) + Question

NEW QUESTION- Does anyone want to purchase a signed Meg Cabot book from me? I'm needing a bit of extra money and so am parting with my signed Queen of Babble in the Big City. Email me at bookchicclub-at-gmail-dot-com for more info.

Question for you all. Should I post everything here for BEDA or on the Ning? I was planning on using the Ning for everything being cross-posted to, but no one seems to be commenting there, save for a few awesome people. And I want comments, goshdarnit! lol. So let me know. Basically, the choice is either 1) all my entries will be posted on here and on the Ning or 2) everything cross-posted to the Ning and the usual stuff here (like I've been doing it). I'll make my decision Sunday night, probably about midnight EST.

Also, if you have Livejournal, feel free to add me. Here's the link to my LJ:

1) So yes, I am posting every day, but not on here. On SEVERAL blogs, but all entries will be cross-posted onto the Ning that Maureen started. You can read the blogs (and vlogs) from the past few days as well as for the rest of the month. I will only be posting on this LJ every Friday. Here's the link to my Ning page: Hopefully that link will work for people not on Ning. If not, tell me and I'll list all the blogs I'll be posting on. It's only three different blogs, I think.

2) So my roomie and I have a Wii now!! We also recently got Mario Kart Wii, which is AWESOME. I also brought my Gamecube games from home, so I play those on the Wii occasionally. The Wii is awesomeness personified.

3) I did have a short temp job in December and January doing data entry for a company. But unfortunately, now I am unemployed and desperately searching for a job. It sucks. I am still waiting to hear back from Hampton Inns about a second interview. And of course I'm applying to lots of other places. Wish me luck please!!!

4) Our pet count has gone up. We now have two cats (a male and a female- don't worry, we keep them separate), a fish, and two male gerbils. In the past couple months, my roomie's bunny and other betta fish died (at different times- the bunny around Thanksgiving and the fish just a couple weeks ago).

5) My book review blog is still going pretty well. I've been neglecting it a bit lately and not posting as often, but I am still reading. Two big developments have been that an excerpt of one of my reviews is in the book Invisible Touch by Kelly Parra. The review is of her first book Graffiti Girl. The other development is that I'm in the acknowledgments of Fade by Lisa McMann. Like my whole name is there (middle name excluded). It's pretty awesome. At the moment, I'm finishing up Something, Maybe by Elizabeth Scott and am in the middle of reading Wintergirls by Laurie Halse Anderson.

6) BONUS!! I am so excited about this. Earlier today, I got an email from a publicist at Penguin about recieving the book Vast Fields of Ordinary by Nick Burd. I have been wanting this book SO BADLY for like the past several months. Click on the title to see the Amazon page for more info about it. And I should be recieving it early next week!! I AM SO EXCITED!!! YAY!

So that's all for this week. If you want to know about anything else, let me know in the comments and I'll address it next week as I highly doubt I'll have 5 things to talk about every week, lol.


  1. I find it easier to read and comment here. I've never really gotten into MySpace and I hardly ever comment on ning. But that's just me.

    Good luck finding a job. I know a lot of people are looking.

  2. Mario Kart! I love that game. I play it a little more than I should because it's so addicting!
