Monday, April 13, 2009

Calling All Authors + Where are all the reviews? Also, funny tidbits!

First off, just a quick proposition to authors. If you have any sort of swag like bookmarks, postcards, magnets, etc. and you want to get them out there in the world, feel free to send them my way. In my opinion, a prize package is never complete until I put in some swag! I make it a point to do it every time I send a prize out and I feel bad if I'm not able to. So help me have a full stock of swag to give out to people! Email me at bookchicclub-at-gmail-dot-com for my address.

Secondly, on Lenore's blog, she did a fabulous post about authors contacting reviewers (btw, would love to see an author's take on the reversal- reviewers contacting authors!) and since I love reading discussions, I made it so that I could recieve in my inbox all followup comments after I'd posted my own comment. Well, one of the comments involved this little sentence from an anonymous author: "There is one blogger who gleefully lists all the book they get in the mail in a weekly video blog post, but never reviews ANYTHING." Now, I may be narcissistic and paranoid, but I feel like this author is talking about me. In the comments, I gave a rebuttal to that (and so did Lenore- thanks again for that, btw!).

I do review books and interview authors and feature them on my blog. Just not THIS one. I created this blog back in December or so to do bookish things, like In My Mailbox, Waiting on Wednesday, etc.- stuff that just wouldn't fit in with all the stuff I do on my myspace review blog. Plus, Blogger is better about posting pictures and such. My review blog can be found here on myspace- feel free to friend me! :)

So just to clarify, this is not my review blog!! It's just a side blog for bookish-related things and to talk a bit about my personal life. I am planning on including my review blog link on my profile page here and in other places. I foolishly thought that the Introduction post to the blog found here would be enough. Apparently not.

Now the funny tidbits! I was driving back to my apartment from my parent's place since I visited them for Easter and two funny things happened on the way back:

1) I passed by a road that was called "Pinch Em Slyly Place". Yes, that was the actual name! Wouldn't that be an awesome street to live on?!

2) I saw a restaurant (two different places though- it must be a local chain or something) that was called Carlos O'Kelly's Mexican Cafe. The sign was a mixture of Spanish and Irish themes and it made me giggle.


  1. We have Carlos O'Kelly's in Kansas. They have great food, but yeah, the design is somewhat strange.

  2. That is the best street name ever!!

  3. Wow, do I want to know the story behind that street name.
