Wednesday, March 18, 2009

First Vlog Post for Seven Book Babes + Poll Results!

Here's my first vlog for Seven Book Babes! To see the other videos from the other six babes, go here:

Hope you like it!

And the results of the poll pretty much all pointed to two books and it's a tie!! Here's the official tally:

1) Just One Wish by Janette Rallison- 1
2) Freaked by J.T. Dutton- 2 (Thanks JT for commenting on my blog!!)
3) Wintergirls by Laurie Halse Anderson- 7
4) Something, Maybe by Elizabeth Scott- 7
5) Highway to Hell by Rosemary Clement-Moore- 0 (Aw, no love for Maggie :( That's sad)

So the choice is down to Wintergirls or Something, Maybe and I'll go with whoever leaves the first comment on this blog entry with their choice.


  1. Oh, too bad I lost of the pool and better luck next time. Thanks though--

  2. ok, i am sad Steph beat me here but its ok because she picked Something, Maybe!

  3. Cute vlog. You're correct Mr.BC, you are a total babe. ;) btw I like it when you ramble. I pretty much did the same.

  4. I am so honored that you wore the Girl Overboard / Burton T-shirt on your first vlog!! BC / KC: you are amazing!!! Thanks for including my books. I'm so touched.

  5. Steph Su- Awesome, I'll get right on it.

    Jeanne- Are you JT Dutton? If so, I'll still be reading your book soon, just not next, so don't worry!

    Erika- lol, I was surprised that I'd get that. Keep an eye out for my review! It may even be up this week!

    Sarah- You missed being first, but I will read Wintergirls next after SM.

    Sharon- Woo, I'm a babe! And yeah, rambling vlogs is what I'll probably be doing every week, lol. Btw, my first take doing the vlog included my cat Samson, but my batteries ran out mid-way through, so I had to change them. And I didn't feel like having him in my room again, lol.

    Mrs. Magoo- Thanks so much!! :)

    Justina- The Burton shirt thing was kinda unexpected, lol. It's something I usually wear to bed and I did the vlog soon after getting up, so I figured I'd show it off. And no problem on including your books- you rock! That was also unexpected too that I would talk about them that much.

  6. I am J.T. Dutton. Sorry. I suffer from an identity crisis sometimes. How excellent that you are going to be reading Freaked. Thank you.

  7. Thanks for your fine detective work discovering mention of my YA fantasy, The Beast of Noor in Justina Chen Headley's beautiful novel, North of Beautiful!

    It was an honor to have Noor mentioned as Claudius' favorite fantasy. And great fun to have you uncover the true title in your vlog!

    Grateful to you


  8. That's so cool with the Beast of Noor easter egg!

  9. Jeanne- Definitely! According to the poll, yours is third on the list, so not too far! When a review is up, I'll email you with the link. :) Thanks so much for commenting!

    Janet- No problem! I should probably read Beast of Noor sometime, lol. I wonder if my library has it.

    Lenore- I know! And I'm usually not good at spotting those kinds of things, lol.
