Monday, March 23, 2009

Birthday Post

Today is my birthday and I have a busy day.

- Meeting with an insurance agent (my mom is tagging along to help)
- Eating lunch with Mom, then taking her to airport
- Interview at 2pm (possibly- I may cancel, only because the job site is over an hour away and I'm not sure I'd want to commute that M-F every week.
- Volunteering at library 3:30-5:30
- Errands with my roomie

Too many things to do. I don't like it. So make me feel better by leaving birthday wishes! :)


  1. Happy Birthday! Hope you can find some time in there to just relax!

  2. Happy birthday!!!! Hope you have a great day despite all you have to do. :)

  3. Happy Birthday! and like Alea said, I hope you have time to relax too!

  4. Happy Birthday! I hope you can fit in a bookstore visit. Nothing better than new books on your birthday.

  5. Happy Birthday! I hope you get a lot of books from your loved ones...or gift cards to bookstores ; )

  6. Yay Happy Birthday! I hope it's a great one for you (minus the insurance of course!).

  7. Happy Birthday! Hope you have fun despite all of you errands!
    -Senfaye :)

  8. Happy belated birthday, Boothy! I'm so glad I found your new blog and videos. It's so nice to SEE you. :)

  9. Happy Birthday!

    Wow. I usually make it a point to have my Birthday OFF! Completely!

    I hope you enjoy your day all the same. Maybe you enjoy having a busy day!?!?!

  10. HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYY!!! Sorry you have so much going on, and yeah, driving an hour away five days a week? Not the best thing I'd say.


  11. Hey, you don't even have to ask! I was going to say it anyway. In fact, I'll sing it!

    Happy Birthday to you
    Happy Birthday to you
    Happy Birthday dear sweet Book Chic
    Happy Birthday to you!

  12. Happy Birthday, take some to realax or read a great book.

  13. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BC! YOU RULE! Go splurge at the bookstore!

  14. Happy Birthday! I hope you had a great day despite your busy schedule :)

  15. Happy birthday! I hope you have an AWESOME day with a yummy cake! Or ice cream. Or anything unhealthy with sugar, for that matter. (:

  16. Have a great birthday!!! and I hope you get lots of books!

  17. Splash...
    You've won an award @ my blog

  18. happy happy birthday! =D sounds like a busy day. i hope you have time for yourself to celebrate!!

  19. Alrighty, long response comment, lol.

    Alea- I did! Lunch and dinner and some other bits of time were relaxing. Reading a chapter of Going Too Far before my interview was also relaxing; same thing for jamming in the car to and from interview, lol.

    Laina, Laura, Senfaye, Megan, Shalonda, Sharonanne, Lauren- Thanks so much for the birthday wishes!!

    Lenore- Unfortunately, I couldn't fit it in, but I am going to B&N tomorrow!

    Thao- No such luck. I got a Wii game (The Simpsons Game) from my roomie and $200 from my parents and Texas grandma ($100 each). I'll be using a bit of that for buying a book or two, hehe.

    Taren- Thanks! The insurance bit ended up not happening (more info in my SevenBookBabes vlog for tomorrow), but I got it all worked out today and it should be starting on April 1! :)

    Terri- You weren't late! My birthday was on the 23rd! :) And I'm glad you found me here and that it's exciting to see me!

    Jessica- Believe me, usually I like to have my birthdays off as well. It just so happened that everything decided to happen on one day, lol. I do not enjoy busy days at any time.

    Lauren (SSM)- I know! But at the same time, it's a job that pays pretty well ($9/hr that could become $13/hr eventually) and, well, it's a JOB. lol, I need one of those badly!

    Lisa- Awww you are too sweet!! Thanks for singing to me. My roomie did the same thing when she woke me up as she left for work. Although I may have shut the door on her since I am not a morning person, lol.

    Kelsey- I hope to splurge a bit tomorrow! :)

    Bookworm- I had the warm chocolate lava cookie at Red Lobster- SOO GOOD!!

    Erika Lynn- No such luck. Not even a book in the mailbox!! :(

    Stephanie and The Book Resort- Thanks for the awards!!

    Cindy- Aww, thanks so much for commenting and wishing me a happy birthday! You are too sweet! Don't worry, I did have time to celebrate- that's what lunch and dinner were for, lol.

  20. Going Too Far is GREAT! Perfect book to read on your birthday!

  21. Sorry this is late, but Happy Birthday!!

  22. Happy belated birthday! I hope that you got loads of presents (like books!) :)
