Sunday, February 8, 2009

In My Mailbox- Week of Feb. 2

This is two parts because my camera decided that it was low on batteries and needed to turn off. But it would be able to be turned on again and it let me do the last minute. Part 1 has all the Mailbox stuff, and Part 2 has some extra stuff.

That's all for this week! :) Oh and be sure to check out A.S. King's guest blog on myspace!


  1. You had a great week :)
    I am eager to see what you think of Ghost Huntress because it looks to be amazing.

  2. wow! we did get a lot of the same books! i mean the same repeats! i'm very jealous about A Match Made in High School!!

  3. Super super jealous of A Match Made in High School. D:

  4. OMG I reallyreallyreally want EYES LIKE STARS....guess I'll just have to wait until it comes out. ):

  5. I would so love a copy of Jumped! What book are you looking for that we could possibly trade???!!! :)

  6. Ghost Huntress has a beautiful cover! And that's how I thought you said Sarah's last name too!

  7. I am really jealous that you have repeats of You Are So Undead to Me. I would be happy to read one of them for you! And I really like that you are doing it in video form, its so fun.

  8. Thanks to everyone for the comments! Just gonna spotlight a few.

    Bookworm- You might not. I know I'll definitely be holding a contest for my extra copy or there may a whole blogosphere-wide giveaway.

    KB- No need for a trade, but if you're on YA Book Swap, I'll take a look at your list or something. But let me hear back from Lorie Ann first about giving it away at the rgz chat, and then if she says no, it'll go to you.

    Erika Lynn- Glad you like the vlogs! :) And perhaps I'll send you my extra copy.

  9. Hi!!!!!!
    OK,the way you said it is FINE, but in case you are wondering the actual proper pronunciation would be mlin-ov-ski (it's a polish W which is pronounced live a V.) Of course, I might be completely wrong--it's what a Yiddish teacher in high school told me. (Yes, I took Yiddish in high school. I used to be fluent.)

  10. Okay so I am so totally jealous of all the great books you got. If you ever have any repeats that you want to get rid of I would love to review them. And I can't wait to see what you think of A Match Made In High School. I think that book looks really good. [:
