Sunday, February 22, 2009

In My Mailbox- Week of Feb. 16

Here is my vlog for this week's In My Mailbox. I didn't get very many books, yet I ramble on for like 7 or 8 minutes. You'd think less books = shorter run time but no, it's actually less time = more time for me to ramble on. So I hope you all enjoy rambling!

By the way, I forgot to mention that I have a contest going on over at the Myspace blog! Here's the link to it- it features reviews of Shadowed Summer and September Sisters, and you can enter for the chance to win one of them! :)


  1. You got great books. Too bad I can't enter your Myspace contest because I don't have Myspace. Both of the books look great.

  2. I can't believe you got Don't Judge A Girl By Her Cover. I've been wanting to read that since last year.

  3. I laughed so hard! Wow, I can't believed you managed to ramble for 8 minutes about 3 books xD

    and I think I mihgt be the only one who's not jeslous about Don't Judge A Cover By Her Cover...but anyhow! *sends waves of jealousy for...for...your other books!* ;P

  4. So jealous of Don't Judge A Cover By Her Cover. Hope you enjoy it.

  5. Thanks to you I just put Tantalize on my TBR list. I love your blog. I have to use a timer when I visit because I'm always reading your archives and finding out about so many great books!

  6. Don't Judge a Girl looks really good....I should really start reading that series, I've heard so many good things about it. (:

  7. oh yay BC and zombies! I love it! haha 45 seconds. It's okay I love it when you ramble.

    I'm really looking forward to the blog party. She wrote the best blog post for me about cats and zombies. It is fitting that this cool zombie party is on my b-day. I <3 zombies.

    I'd normally be sending out waves of jealous, but by some miracle I managed to get the new Ally Carter book on bookmooch.

  8. i am so jealous you get repeats of books! great vlog as usual. I really want to read Project Sweet Life

  9. I got an ARC of Don't Judge a Girl by Her Cover too. Sadly I don't read the books so I have to borrow them from my BFF.

  10. Haha, I don't think I really got into YA until I was like 20. Just the last couple years really. I'd only read maybe 20 actual YA novels during my actual teens. :P

  11. You recieved great books and I can't wait to see what you rthink of Don't Judge A Girl By Her Cover.

    BTW...I just adore your VLOG's, they are soo much fun to watch :)

  12. Megan- Aw that sucks! I'll have to do a contest on this blog sometime...

    Lauren- I know! I can't believe it myself sometimes.

    Yan- lol, I can ramble on for ages. If Youtube didn't have a 10 minute limit, you'd have like half-hour videos from me. I'm glad you enjoyed the video though!

    Sarah- hehe, I'm sure I will! Thanks for commenting!

    KB- Aw, that's so sweet of you to say! I'm glad you enjoy my blog, and that you put Tantalize on your TBR list!

    Bookworm- It's a great series! You should def. read it!

    sharonanne- I'm glad you all seem to like it when I ramble, lol. I loved Amanda's guest blog for you- it was hilarious!!

    Erika Lynn- lol, I'm not, though it is still nice to get something in the mail, even if it is a repeat.

    Hillary- Hope you enjoy the books!!

    Amee- That's ahead of me. I read like 0 YA books as a teen, unless you count when I was 18/19 and in college, though I tend to mainly think of YA being high school reads since that's where most take place. So as soon as I went to college, I was out of the demographic, lol.

    Ravenous Reader- So happy you love my vlogs! Thanks so much for commenting!!
