Sunday, December 7, 2008

In My Mailbox- Week of Dec. 1

This week was a slow week for me. I was actually kinda surprised at the lack of books because I thought I had gotten more, but apparently not. Here's what came for me:

You Are So Undead To Me by Stacey Jay
Fifteen-year-old Megan Berry is a Zombie Settler by birth, which means sheas part-time shrink to a bunch of dead people with a whole lot of issues.

All Megan wants is to be normalaand go to homecoming, of course. Unfortunately, itas a little difficult when your dates keep getting interrupted by a bunch of slobbering Undead.

Things are about to get even more complicated for Megan. Someone in school is using black magic to turn average, angsty Undead into flesh-eating Zombies, and itas looking like homecoming will turn out to be a very different kind of partyathe bloody kind.

Megan must stop the Zombie apocalypse descending on Carol, Arkansas. Her lifeaand more importantly, homecoming, depends on it.

My Thoughts: I've been wanting this book for a while now. I mean, with a title like that, who wouldn't want it? And I saw on Kristi's (The Story Siren) blog that she had two copies and so I asked her to send me one of the copies she got. She sent it and I'm so happy she did. I'm so excited to read this book! It'll be released on Jan. 22, 2009.

The Secret Circle: The Captive Part II and The Power by LJ Smith
Caught in the struggle between good and evil . . .

Cassie has joined the most alluring--and deadly--in-crowd imaginable. But power comes with a price, and it's more dangerous than she knows. Torn between the dueling desires of the two leaders of the Secret Grcle, she must ultimately choose between saving all of New Salem, and her own dangerous love for the bewitching Adam, which threatens to tear the circle apart. In the ultimate battle between good and evil, will Cassie's supernatural powers be strong enough to lead the coven out of danger? Or will she foil prey to the dark forces within?

. . . will she sacrifice her love for the circle to survive?

My Thoughts: This is another random book I've gotten from HarperTeen. I think the first volume somewhere in my room. I haven't read anything by this author before, but I've heard some good things about this writer. Apparently, these are republished omnibus books as the original books were released in 1992. I'm not even sure if I'll read them, so maybe if any of you out there wants them, I can send them to you. Might as well give them to someone who wants them.

And that's all for this week. Hopefully, more will be coming this week. I might have a Penguin shipment from Jillian coming in, but we'll see.


  1. You Are so Undead to me is a pretty good book. I really want the Secret Circle books. I loved the author's Nightworld series and The Vampire series. I really want this series.

  2. I was looking into that second author's Night World series yesterday- seems like a cool concept of repackaging the books. The stories sound fun too!

  3. I loved You Are So Undead to Me. It's really good!

  4. I hope you like Undead! sorry i left my personal info in there!! I didn't even look to see which one i grabbed!

  5. I read Stacey's book a couple of weeks ago and it totally rocks!!!!

  6. I recommend the L.J. Smith books. I haven't read The Secret Circle (it's on my list to get), but I read The Vampire Diaries and she writes awesome!
