Thursday, December 4, 2008

I Haz Job YAY!

Woo! Yes, you read that entry title correctly- I FINALLY have a job! It's not exactly exciting but it pays and that's really all that matters.

I had an interview with a temp agency for a position they were trying to fill, and got the job!! :) I also found out that I can type 69 words per minute! How exciting is that?! Anyway, the position is this data entry job (or, as the info sheet they gave me says, Production Technician) for a company called DataBank IMX that is just opening a branch here (they originated in DC and are branching out to other major cities now because of how well the DC one is doing). Right now, it's just a long-term temp job, but it could turn into an actual job if things go well with opening the branch here in Lynchburg, VA, which, according to the person who interviewed me, it seems to be doing already.

So yes, I'm quite excited and I start later today! I was so surprised when the woman who interviewed me was like "We can have you start tomorrow."

Oh, and I get a badge too!!! HOW EXCITING IS THAT?!?!? (There are lots of exciting things about this whole situation, as you can see.) The only sorta kinda problem is that it's 2nd shift, so I work 3:30pm- 12am (with two 15 min breaks and one 30 unpaid dinner break), which means long hours and late nights. And also, my roomie is starting her training soon for her new job, which goes from 8am-5pm so we're never gonna see each other anymore except on weekends.


But oh well- I've got a real, live job!!! WOOHOO!


  1. Congratulations -that's such great news!

  2. Yay! Money=Books, at least for me haha!

  3. Congratulations!! I'm glad you were able to land something. Best of luck.

  4. Congratulations! That's so awesome. :D

  5. Thanks so much everyone!! :)

    Alea- lol, I have enough books, so I won't be buying more. Money, to me, = CDs and DVDs, hehe.

  6. You can never have enough books! But yes I buy dvds and cds too and that's about all! Oh and food sometimes, only if I really need it LOL!

  7. Aw, congrats! That's awesome. Sorry you won't really see your roomie and the hours are late though...maybe things will change in the future!!! :)


  8. YAY!

    Though that really sucks about 2nd shift and not seeing your roomie :(

  9. A shiny new badge! Wa-hoo!!!!

    Big congrats.

  10. Way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy that you got a job. Shift work can be a big bleurgh but it can also be fun and hopefully you and your roomie can figure out a new routine where you do more than leave notes on the fridge to each other!

  11. Congrats! That's exciting and no small feat in this economic climate. I did temp work one summer in college. They placed me at Circuit City corporate HQ, where I alphabetized files all day. I remember it was kind of mind-numbing but also kinda Zen. Maybe you'll get some good material for a future book! Good luck!

  12. You're a superhero to get a job right now! Yay, BC!

  13. I'm SOOO happy for you, BC!!!

    Way to go!!!


  14. rock! It's no easy task getting a job right now. WOO HOO for YOU! Also, I did many kinda-sorta boring temp jobs back in the day, and they were all great training/experience for the time when I landed my infinitely more exciting/cool jobs. :)

