Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Been Here All Along by Sandy Hall

Been Here All Along by Sandy Hall
"Gideon always has a plan. It includes running for class president, becoming head of the yearbook committee, and having his choice of colleges. It does NOT include falling head over heels for his best friend, Kyle. It’s a distraction, it’s pointless―Kyle is already dating the head cheerleader, Ruby―and Gideon doesn’t know what to do.

Kyle finally feels like he has a handle on life. He has a wonderful girlfriend, a best friend willing to debate the finer points of Lord of the Rings, and social acceptance as captain of the basketball team. So when both Ruby and Gideon start acting really weird, just as his spot on the team is threatened, Kyle can’t quite figure out what he did wrong."- summary from Amazon

This was such a cute, funny and sweet gay romance and a quick read in between my fantasy/paranormal reads that I had a lot of a few months ago. I'm so glad I picked this one up on a whim- it was just a great respite from the darker books I'd been reading and a breath of fresh air. It was such a beautiful romance and I loved spending time with these characters. I highly recommend this book- while it came out a few months ago, it's the perfect read to have on a day inside with some hot chocolate.

FTC: Received ARC from publisher. Link above is an Amazon Associate link; any profit goes toward funding contests.

Monday, November 28, 2016

The Romantics by Leah Konen

The Romantics by Leah Konen
"Gael Brennan is about to have his heart broken when his first big relationship crumbles on the heels of his parents’ painful separation. Love intervenes with the intention of setting things right—but she doesn’t anticipate the intrusion of her dreaded nemesis: the Rebound. Love’s plans for Gael are sidetracked by Cara, Gael’s hot-sauce-wielding “dream girl.” The more Love meddles, the further Gael drifts from the one girl who can help him mend his heart. Soon Love starts breaking all her own rules—and in order to set Gael’s fate back on course, she has to make some tough decisions about what it means to truly care."- summary from Amazon

I absolutely adored this book- it was such a clever and interesting way to tell a story. I loved reading Gael's journey through first love, first heartbreak, first broken friendship, first rebound, and the beginnings of a first real relationship. Love's asides and footnotes throughout the book were so funny and on point. The book is a bit open-ended and I kinda want to read a companion book about the guy it ends on (I'll keep the name under wraps so I don't spoil anything). This also made me really want to read Konen's previous book, which I already own but have never gotten around to.

FTC: Received ARC from publisher. Link above is an Amazon Associate link; any profit goes toward funding contests.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Saving Red by Sonya Sones

Saving Red by Sonya Sones
"Right before winter break, fourteen-year-old Molly Rosenberg reluctantly volunteers to participate in Santa Monica’s annual homeless count, just to get her school’s community service requirement out of the way. But when she ends up meeting Red, a spirited homeless girl only a few years older than she is, Molly makes it her mission to reunite her with her family in time for Christmas. This turns out to be extremely difficult—because Red refuses to talk about her past. There are things Molly won’t talk about either. Like the awful thing that happened last winter. She may never be ready to talk about that. Not to Red, or to Cristo, the soulful boy she meets while riding the Ferris wheel one afternoon.

When Molly realizes that the friends who Red keeps mentioning are nothing more than voices inside Red’s head, she becomes even more concerned about her well-being. How will Molly keep her safe until she can figure out a way to get Red home?"- summary from Amazon

I'm such a huge fan of Sones' books and always love when a new book comes out from her. This book was very emotional and heartbreaking but extremely hopeful as well. Following along on Molly and Red's journey throughout the book, Molly initially wants to help Red out but through her time with Red, finds a new friend as well as some wisdom from Red for Molly's own past guilt. There's also a small but very sweet romance in the story between Molly and a guy Cristo she meets while searching the streets for Red. Like all of Sones' other books, this one is also told in verse, which she does beautifully and also makes this a very compelling, quick read.

FTC: Received e-galley from Edelweiss. Link above is an Amazon Associate link; any profit goes toward funding contests.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Nemesis by Anna Banks

Nemesis by Anna Banks
"Princess Sepora of Serubel is the last Forger in all the five kingdoms. The spectorium she creates provides energy for all, but now her father has found a way to weaponize it, and his intentions to incite war force her to flee from his grasp. She escapes across enemy lines into the kingdom of Theoria, but her plans to hide are thwarted when she is captured and placed in the young king's servitude.

Tarik has just taken over rulership of Theoria, and must now face a new plague sweeping through his kingdom and killing his citizens. The last thing he needs is a troublesome servant vying for his attention. But mistress Sepora will not be ignored. When the two finally meet face-to-face, they form an unlikely bond that complicates life in ways neither of them could have imagined.

Sepora's gift could save Tarik's kingdom from the Quiet Plague. But should she trust her growing feelings for her nemesis, or should she hide her gifts at all costs?"- summary from Amazon

This book took me a little bit of time to get into- I've read a lot of fantasy lately and it was becoming a bit paint-by-numbers for me and I almost DNF'd it but I should've known Banks wouldn't let me down. I always enjoy dual perspectives too and this was even more fun since the reader gets to see the slow build in Tarik and Sepora's relationship and the obstacles in their way. Both of them are fantastic main characters and Banks did a great job writing a compelling narrative as well as building a strong world. I had hoped that this was a stand-alone but at least since it's a duology, I don't have to follow along with it (or keep up with the narrative) for two extra years. I'm definitely eager to see how this all turns out.

FTC: Received ARC from publisher. Link above is an Amazon Associate link; any profit goes toward funding contests.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Three Truths and a Lie by Brent Hartinger

Three Truths and a Lie by Brent Hartinger
"A weekend retreat in the woods and an innocent game of three truths and a lie go horribly wrong in this high-octane psychological thriller filled with romantic suspense by a Lambda Award–winning author.

Deep in the forest, four friends gather for a weekend of fun.

Truth #1: Rob is thrilled about the weekend trip. It’s the perfect time for him to break out of his shell…to be the person he really, really wants to be.

Truth #2: Liam, Rob’s boyfriend, is nothing short of perfect. He’s everything Rob could have wanted. They’re perfect together. Perfect.

Truth #3: Mia has been Liam’s best friend for years…long before Rob came along. They get each other in a way Rob could never, will never, understand.

Truth #4: Galen, Mia’s boyfriend, is sweet, handsome, and incredibly charming. He’s the definition of a Golden Boy…even with the secrets up his sleeve.

One of these truths is a lie…and not everyone will live to find out which one it is."- summary from Amazon

I'm always so excited to read a new Brent Hartinger novel and this one simply blew me away for several reasons. First off, the gay main character- while there have been more and more gay characters being given their own stories nowadays, it's rare to see one featuring a guy who's already out and with a boyfriend. Not only that, but Hartinger doesn't shy away from affection between the two as well as the more sexual aspects of a relationship. It feels very much like a true relationship. The second reason is the twist upon the twist he has in the climax of the book; like literally, my mouth was hanging open for the last 30 pages of the book. It was extremely clever and interesting. Thirdly, Hartinger is generally known for his lighter books, but this one is pretty dark though it has some moments of levity; it was great to see him showing a different side and really doing a fantastic job with it. Highly recommended!

FTC: Received e-galley from Edelweiss. Link above is an Amazon Associate link; any profit goes toward funding contests.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

The Ones by Daniel Sweren-Becker

The Ones by Daniel Sweren-Becker
"We are not all created equal.

Seventeen-year-old Cody and her boyfriend, James, were two of the lucky ones randomly selected before birth to receive genetic engineering.

Known as the Ones, this one percent of the population is healthy, beautiful, and talented…and to some that's not fair. Mounting fear and jealousy of the Ones’ success leads to the creation of the Equality Movement, which quickly gains enough political traction to demote Cody, James, and others like them to second-class citizens.

Cody knows even before the brick smashes through her window that it's going to be bad. As their school, the government, and even family and friends turn against them, Cody begins to believe they have no other choice but to protect their own. She draws closer to a group of radical Ones led by the passionate and fevered Kai, and James begins to question just how far she is willing to go for the cause…"- summary from Amazon

This was a really great, quick thrilling read set in a fairly realistic setting with some dystopian overtures. I read this over two days on the beach when I was vacationing- that's how much of a fast, rollercoaster ride of a book this was. I never finish books that quickly but I could barely put the book down. I was however a little disappointed that this was the beginning of a series; nothing on the book indicated this was part of a series so I went in thinking it was a stand-alone and then toward the end of the book, realizing there's no way this could all end in the amount of pages left. I'll definitely check out the rest of the series though because I'm completely hooked.

FTC: Received ARC from publisher. Link above is an Amazon Associate link; any profit goes toward funding contests.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Where Am I Now? by Mara Wilson

Where Am I Now?: True Stories of Girlhood and Accidental Fame by Mara Wilson
"A former child actor best known for her starring roles in Matilda and Mrs. Doubtfire, Mara Wilson has always felt a little young and out of place: as the only kid on a film set full of adults, the first daughter in a house full of boys, a Valley girl in New York and a neurotic in California, and a grown-up the world still remembers as a little girl. Tackling everything from what she learned about sex on the set of Melrose Place, to discovering in adolescence that she was no longer “cute” enough for Hollywood, these essays chart her journey from accidental fame to relative (but happy) obscurity. They also illuminate universal struggles, like navigating love and loss, and figuring out who you are and where you belong."- summary from Amazon

I absolutely LOVED this book. When I was given the chance to read an advance copy of this book, I jumped at the offer. I loved Mara in her movies when she was younger and have read an essay or two of hers in the past few years and really enjoyed them. The book is sorta memoir-ish but it focuses on telling certain stories that center around different themes throughout her life. It's not written in a linear format, as Wilson jumps around from story to story. She talks about growing up in the public eye and what that meant for her once she did grow up, having to deal with depression, OCD and anxiety, and how she figured out her life now as a storyteller and writer. It's a fascinating book and Wilson writes very candidly, honestly, and hilariously throughout it. Definitely recommended.

FTC: Received ARC from publisher. Link above is an Amazon Associate link; any profit goes toward funding contests.

Friday, November 11, 2016

The Lovely Reckless by Kami Garcia

The Lovely Reckless by Kami Garcia
"Seventeen year-old Frankie Devereux would do anything to forget the past. Haunted by the memory of her boyfriend’s death, she lives her life by one dangerous rule: nothing matters. At least, that’s what Frankie tells herself after a reckless mistake forces her to leave her privileged life in the Heights to move in with her dad―an undercover cop. She transfers to public school in the Downs, where fistfights in the halls don’t faze anyone and illegal street racing is more popular than football.

Marco Leone is the fastest street racer in the Downs. Tough, sexy, and hypnotic, he makes it impossible for Frankie to ignore him…and how he makes her feel. But the risks Marco takes for his family could have devastating consequences for them both. When Frankie discovers his secret, she has to make a choice. Will she let the pain of the past determine her future? Or will she risk what little she has left to follow her heart?"- summary from Amazon

Garcia's contemporary debut is a hell of a ride- extremely gritty with a fiery romance and various familial issues at the center of it. Frankie's journey takes the reader into the world of street racing and gambling, where sometimes doing the wrong thing for the right reasons is the best thing to do. Marco is the extremely sexy, funny, caring, and strong romantic lead and I have no doubt readers will fall in love with him as Frankie does. The issue of PTSD and trauma are prominent as well since Frankie watched her previous boyfriend get beat to death by a man she can't remember; the mystery of that and her occasional flashbacks to the night provide a compelling narrative that makes the book hard to put down. I've always been a fan of Garcia and this book shows that she does just as great a job in contemporary as she does with her paranormal novels. Highly recommended.

FTC: Received ARC from publisher. Link above is an Amazon Associate link; any profit goes toward funding contests.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Afterward by Jennifer Mathieu

Afterward by Jennifer Mathieu
"When eleven-year-old Dylan Anderson is kidnapped, his subsequent rescue leads to the discovery of fifteen-year-old Ethan Jorgensen, who had gone on a bike ride four years earlier and had never been seen again. Dylan's older sister, Caroline, can't help but wonder what happened to her brother, who has nonverbal autism and is not adjusting well to life back home. There's only one person who knows the truth: Ethan. But Ethan isn't sure how he can help Caroline when he is fighting traumatic memories of his own captivity. Both Caroline and Ethan need a friend, however, and their best option just might be each other."- summary from Amazon

Just like Mathieu's previous book Devoted, I absolutely loved this one too. And like the previous book, it takes on a heavy subject and deals with it with such empathy and care. The novel goes between Ethan and Caroline's perspectives, which provides different sides to the same trauma. Ethan is going through the personal trauma of having to go through what happened to him while he was gone for four years. Caroline has the trauma of losing her autistic baby brother who, when found and returned, isn't able to properly vocalize what happened to him during those few days he was missing and making it difficult to recover and treat him. It's a quick read though because it's so compelling and seeing the friendship between Caroline and Ethan blossom is a wonderful way of beginning the healing process.

FTC: Received ARC from publisher. Link above is an Amazon Associate link; any profit goes toward funding contests.

Monday, November 7, 2016

The Graces by Laure Eve

The Graces by Laure Eve
"Everyone loves the Graces. Fenrin, Thalia, and Summer Grace are captivating, wealthy, and glamorous. They’ve managed to cast a spell over not just their high school but also their entire town—and they’re rumored to have powerful connections all over the world. If you’re not in love with one of them, you want to be them. Especially River: the loner, new girl at school. She’s different from her peers, who both revere and fear the Grace family. She wants to be a Grace more than anything. But what the Graces don’t know is that River’s presence in town is no accident."- summary from Amazon

I really enjoyed this book- it did take a bit of time to get into it, but by at least around 50/75 pages in, I was hooked. I thought it was pretty atmospheric and dark and just very interesting. But then again, I'm always intrigued with books about witches and I liked the mysterious, unspoken nature of it in this book. The novel ends on a bit of a cliffhanger so I'm excited to see what happens in the next book.

FTC: Received ARC from publisher. Link above is an Amazon Associate link; any profit goes toward funding contests.

Friday, November 4, 2016

The Sun is Also a Star by Nicola Yoon

The Sun Is Also a Star by Nicola Yoon
"Natasha: I’m a girl who believes in science and facts. Not fate. Not destiny. Or dreams that will never come true. I’m definitely not the kind of girl who meets a cute boy on a crowded New York City street and falls in love with him. Not when my family is twelve hours away from being deported to Jamaica. Falling in love with him won’t be my story.

Daniel: I’ve always been the good son, the good student, living up to my parents’ high expectations. Never the poet. Or the dreamer. But when I see her, I forget about all that. Something about Natasha makes me think that fate has something much more extraordinary in store—for both of us.

The Universe: Every moment in our lives has brought us to this single moment. A million futures lie before us. Which one will come true?"- summary from Amazon

I absolutely loved this new book from Yoon, who's fast becoming one of my go-to authors for emotional, sweeping romantic reads that are full of depth. Her writing style is extremely interesting; while most of the book flips between Natasha and Daniel's perspectives, we also get glimpses into the minor characters that pop up as well as the occasional informational chapter about something pertaining to the story. It makes for a quick, compelling and interesting read, and that ending was something else- simply marvelous.

FTC: Received ARC from publisher. Link above is an Amazon Associate link; any profit goes toward funding contests.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

The Leaving by Tara Altebrando

The Leaving by Tara Altebrando
"Eleven years ago, six kindergartners went missing without a trace. After all that time, the people left behind moved on, or tried to.

Until today. Today five of those kids return. They're sixteen, and they are . . . fine. Scarlett comes home and finds a mom she barely recognizes, and doesn't really recognize the person she's supposed to be, either. But she thinks she remembers Lucas. Lucas remembers Scarlett, too, except they're entirely unable to recall where they've been or what happened to them. Neither of them remember the sixth victim, Max--the only one who hasn't come back. Which leaves Max's sister, Avery, wanting answers. She wants to find her brother--dead or alive--and isn't buying this whole memory-loss story. But as details of the disappearance begin to unfold, no one is prepared for the truth."- summary from Amazon

I'm a huge fan of Tara Altebrando's books and this one is no exception. Full of twists and turns, it's a compelling, suspenseful mystery following 5 kids returned after 11 years away with no memory of where they were (and no memory of the 6th kid who disappeared too). Altebrando knows how to stretch this mystery out, putting little nuggets of information and reveals throughout the book (with most of it coming out in the last 40 pages). The book follows two of the missing kids, Lucas and Scarlett as well as the little sister of the 6th kid who did not return, Avery. Scarlett's narrative is interesting as Altebrando plays around with font, letter/word placement, and drawings; those chapters were my favorite to read. Overall, I highly recommend this thriller mystery!

FTC: Received e-galley from Netgalley. Link above is an Amazon Associate link; any profit goes toward funding contests.